Nightmares, Flames, and Kuro

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It didn't burn. Maybe that's what scared him.

He needed to get home, back to Gehenna, back to his own universe.

His flames licked at the surface, searching the air and ground for anything that was a way home, a portal, anything, but that was impossible.

His eyes shut, concentrating, before he heard shrieks of terror.

His eyes snapped open, taking in the sight of Lizzy, Danny, Sam, and Tucker burning.

"We can't trust him!"
"He's not even human! It's sick!"
"He's more of a freak than I am!"

Rin's head hurt, his eyes watery. He held his head, and he tried to scream, but his voice was a whisper.

"I'm sorry...I'm not a monster...Please, forgive me..."

Rin's body jerked, and he exploded into pieces.

Rin bolted awake, gasping, and he quickly realized the whole bedroom was aflame, burning with dangerous, blue light.

He willed them to disappear, and rubbed his temples. Why did the dreams come back? He had control, he'd never hurt anybody ever since. His flames were in check, he trained and observed them everyday to make sure.

Recently, he hadn't been able to, though. Maybe that's what his dream was telling him.

It wasn't a dream, though. It was a nightmare.

The door burst open and Lizzy screamed, her hair tangled and frizzy from just waking up. "What the hell?! The bedroom is burnt!"

Rin flinched, observing the room, realizing that, yes, the bedroom was indeed singed everywhere, walls, curtains, and bed included.

"Are you going to explain this?!" Lizzy shrieked.

"I'm not sure how..." Rin trailed.

Lizzy groaned, "Fine! Have it your way! I'm going back to sleep!"

She stormed away, slamming the door behind her.

Rin grinned slightly, grateful that she didn't push for answers, even though she was most likely entitled to them. "Definitely not an early bird."


Rin couldn't get back to sleep. He didn't know if it was from the recent nightmare, or if he was just more awake than he'd previously thought.

Either way, Rin knew that he wasn't going to get any shut eye and lying there was making him uncomfortable.

Stealthily, Rin made his way into the hall, keen on avoiding waking up Lizzy. He didn't need any more headaches.

He made his way to the kitchen, his glassy eyes finding their way to the clock. It was midnight, still a few more hours before it was time to get up.

Rin sighed and scrunched his nose. He needed something to occupy his time.

He could always practice his flames. That would be a good way to pass time.

His eyes drifted toward the front door.

He couldn't train in the house, now could he?


He walked about the quiet night, the darkness welcoming. He felt at peace, the silence comforting, finally relaxed and free. He could do whatever he pleased when he was alone, no fear that he would be judged.

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