Dissections and Secrets Revealed

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Danny observed the disk Rin had given him. The reveal that Rin wasn't human made this even more important.

Rin wasn't a bad person, not at all, Danny could tell that much. All Rin wanted to do was go home, and Danny couldn't blame him for that.

Danny watched the disk, its blue flame design plain, not glowing like it was when Rin had handed him it. Rin wasn't human, so this was connected to him in a supernatural way.

Danny stared at the disk.

Next stop, the Far Frozen.


"Frostbite? Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Great One!" Frostbite answered.

Danny pulled the disk out of his pocket and handed it to the yeti. "Do you know anything about this?"

"Great One...where did you get this?" Frostbite asked slowly, cautiously.

Though curious at Frostbite's reaction, Danny answered, "That boy that stumbled into the Ghost Zone a while ago? Rin? He gave it to me. He wants help getting home, since he comes from another universe."

'So, I was right. Rin is indeed a demon. This disk, though...It is an artifact that belonged to the King, Satan. If Rin had this...then it's very likely his aura was indeed one of royalty like I thought. This means that Rin is either the only son of Satan that inherited the blue flames and took the throne, or Rin is actually Satan in disguise. Only the King is able to possess this,' Frostbite thought.

"Great One, what do you know about Rin?" Frostbite asked.

"I know he's not human and that he comes from another universe, but anything else beyond that is over my head. I don't even know what he is that makes him inhuman." Danny sighed.

'The Great One does not know of Rin's demonic heritage. I'm sure Rin doesn't want him to know either, so I shall keep the secret, but I still must warn him,' Frostbite thought.

"Great One, this artifact is dangerous, but it can help get Rin home. With the right tools, this artifact will create a portal straight back to Rin's world. I warn you, though, Great One. Rin is indeed your ally, but do not underestimate him, nor cross him. It will do nobody good." Frosbite stared the young King in the eyes.

Danny nodded. "Thank you, Frostbite. I will do what I think is best."

'Frostbite knows something, and he's not telling me, but he hasn't crossed me before. Whatever you're keeping from me, Frostbite, I hope you have everyone's best interests at heart,' Danny thought.


As Danny flew through the night sky for his usual patrol, a tight feeling tugged at his chest.

"Maddie!" A deep voice yelled.

Danny straightened and flew towards the familiar voice of his Dad.

He spotted them, but Maddie was trapped in a normal ectopuss's grip. Jack had a gun trained on the ghost, but his aim was horrible.

Danny frowned, something wrong with the picture he was seeing, but pushed it off and flew over to help his parents.

He dove down and grabbed his mom, setting her down next to his dad and punching the ghost.

He quickly sucked the ghost into his thermos, ready to fly away from the ghost hunters, but a blast hit him in the back and he fell, suddenly feeling weak.

"W-What?" He muttered quietly.

"Do you really think some weak, ecto scum was going to be able to capture me that easily? You're too gullible." Maddie's voice sneered above him.

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