Cheering Up A Certain Spawn of Satan

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Rin was warned that if he acted like that again, he would be expelled. On the outside, he nodded, calm. Inwardly, he cursed every teacher in the school. Dash had hurt and bullied kids for a long time if what the trio said was anything to go by. Dash just got off the hook for being a quarterback! It wasn't fair, not to him, not to any of the kids that got the short end of the stick from Dash's anger!

Biased bastards, they all were.

As Rin walked to stand at the end of the concrete to wait for Lizzy at the end of the day, Tucker, Sam, and Danny came rushing up to him.

"Dude, you need to see this!" Tucker exclaimed, shoving his PDA in the half demon's face.

Rin pushed the arm away and snatched the device.

On the screen was a video of Rin beating the crap out of Dash, but only that. No evidence of Dash's assaults on Mikey. It was the perfect way to make him look like a complete...

"Demon," Rin murmured, "Everyone probably thinks I'm some kind of monster, just like always."

"You're not! One of the A-Lister's posted this to give you a bad reputation, but everyone who was there knows the truth!" Danny said.

"Most of the kids there were A-Listers, Danny. The nerds and geeks won't go against them, not that I blame them. Even so, people will still be scared of me regardless. I beat up Dash in a rage. Who's to say I won't lash out at anyone else? Nobody knows, and that's why they're scared of me." Rin shook his head sadly. "This is just like my childhood all over again."

"It doesn't matter. We know the truth, and that's enough," Sam told him.

Rin smiled. "I have to say, my childhood didn't consist of people who knew me well."

"Then let us be the first."


"Hi, Rin!" Lizzy greeted as he climbed into the car.

"Hey, Liz." Rin smiled.

"I take it you're feeling better?" Lizzy guessed.

"More or less," Rin said.

"Good, 'cause you're going to need all of the energy you can get tonight. Being depressed won't do you any good." Lizzy smirked. "We've got a busy night."

Rin grinned, his - now free - tail wagging back and forth making Lizzy chuckle. "Bring it on!"


Rin silently sighed at the stares he received.

That video of him was all over the internet, and for all Rin knew, half the people he was serving had kids that went to Casper!

As he took orders, people gave him scathing looks, as well as disgusted, scared, and nervous.

"Hello, I'm Rin. May I take your order?" Rin asked as professionally as he could under the judging stares he was receiving.

The table consisted of a family of four. A mother, a father, a girl that couldn't have been older than five, and a boy around the age of eight.

"You're the boy beating up that blonde in the video, aren't you?" The father asked distastefully.

Rin swallowed. "Yes, I am, but that's not what I asked you."

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