Half Truths and Glowing Disks

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Rin wasn't sure how exactly Danny, Sam, and Tucker would help him, but he knew that they would prove to be a big part of getting him home.

It wasn't that they weren't strong enough, he knew they were. It was just the fact that he didn't know what role they played in this.

One thing was clear, though. The trio would have to be able to see demons, now that the creatures were escaping into their world now.

Before, it wasn't a necessity, but now it was. If the trio was going to have any chance of helping him, they would need to have the ability of seeing demons.

They would need a temptaint, an injury from a demon, but Rin trusted no demon to give them one under his command, certainly not stray ones either.

Rin may have been the King, but the demons would twist his words into something ugly and attempt to injure the teens more so than necessary.

Rin could ask Kuro, but he didn't want to use his friend like that, even if Kuro would probably happily do so if he asked. It didn't sit right with Rin to ask the Cat Sith to do something of that nature.

In conclusion, Rin would have to do it himself.


"Hey, Danny?" Rin asked.

"Yeah?" Danny turned his attention to the half demon.

Luckily, Rin had run into Danny on the sidewalk. Of course, the mere coincidence was uncanny.

"Where are Sam and Tucker? You three are usually attached at the hip." Rin chuckled.

Danny shrugged. "Sam is on house arrest. Her parents demand that if she wants to continue to hang around Tucker and me, she must wear proper clothes. Sam refuses, so she's on house arrest until she gives in or Ida, Sam's grandmother, interferes."

"Tucker has a minor cold, but his parents overreact, so he's home right now, probably surrounded by blankets, soup, and video games."

"Like Tucker would complain about the video games," Rin joked.

Danny chuckled. "Touché."

Rin hesitated slightly, frowning. Danny noticed this. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" Rin blinked and looked at Danny. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just...preoccupied. I have a lot on my mind."

"I know what you mean." Danny groaned.

For once, Rin didn't disagree. Danny had just as many problems as Rin did, and understood to an extent, unlike others who had trivial problems like homework and bullying.

"Danny?" Rin's voice was uncertain, slightly nervous.

"Yeah?" Danny became slightly concerned.

"I know you have a lot of problems, and not the normal teen ones. I know you have more responsibility on your shoulders than a war veteran, I know. Despite this, I need your help." Rin sighed.

Danny stiffened slightly at the confession. It wasn't a straight 'I know your secret', but it was still a hint at the subject. "You..."

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