Little Girl

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Danny and Rin ran through the streets, opposite of the way others were running.

Rin furrowed his brow in thought, curious as to how he could tell everyone to take shelter before the miasma got to them.

"Hey, Danny?" Rin yelled over the screams of citizens.

"What?" Danny called.

"You know any way to tell everyone to take shelter?" Rin asked.

Danny's eyes lit with a spark, signaling he did have an idea. "Yeah! Keep going, I'll take care of it!"

"Got it! Thanks!" Rin replied, turning his attention back to the Impure King.

Danny disappeared, and Rin prayed it would all be okay.


Danny went invisible and transformed into Phantom, teleporting to the top of Casper High.

He became visible and took a deep breath, putting some of his Ghostly Wail into the yell. "ATTENTION AMITY PARK!"

The effect was instantaneous. The chaos paused to look up at their ghostly hero. Danny grinned in triumph. "I NEED EVERYONE TO TAKE SHELTER! THIS THING IS POISONOUS!"

Everybody took action, running into houses, some people even letting others into their homes since their houses were on the other side of the city. Some ran into Casper High, too.

Once everyone was off the streets, Damny reached out with his core, looking through his haunt. It seemed everyone had taken shelter, except one.

Danny sighed in relief and turned his head to the Impure King. He saw Rin speeding toward it, but not inhumanly fast.

Danny leapt into the air and flew towards Rin. They had a job to do.


Unknown to Rin and Danny, everyone had turned on their TV to the news station, including Casper High.

"Hello, Amity Park! This is Lance Thunderman coming to you live! Unfortunately, the creature that has invaded our city is poisonous, and thus we can not be outside, but luckily for you, we have managed to get a bird's eye view of what's happening right now in the safety of shelter!"

The screen switched to the giant creature, showing Danny Phantom floating in front of it, hands lit with green energy.

Surprisingly, another individual was present next to the ghost boy.

The whole school could only gasp. "Rin?!"

"What's that loser doing there?!" Dash yelled.

"That's incredibly dangerous! Great Gasby, what does he think he's doing?!" Mr. Lancer cried.

Sam and Tucker glanced at each other, worried expressions on their faces.


The Eclipse staff and customers stared at the screens of the TV's Eclipse had around the tables.

The staff and regular customers gasped when Rin came up on screen. "That's Rin!"

Lizzy stared silently, solemnly. "Be careful, kid."


Lilac stared with shock-widened eyes at the TV in the living room. "Mommy! Daddy! Rin's in trouble!"

"What?!" Helen and Tyler cried, rushing into the living room. "What's the matter?"

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