A Family's Worries (And A Half Demon's)

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School became something Rin could at least tolerate, surprisingly.

Sadly, a bully by the name of Dash Baxter decided Rin was another punching bag next to Danny, since, quote on quote, "He insulted Paulina and was friends the Freak Trio."

Rin didn't really care too much like Danny, only pretending to be hurt for the most part. It was annoying, though. There was no hiding that.

Being half demon meant Rin had more durability, and he'd taken worse blows. Honestly, Dash's weren't even close to the ones Satan had thrown, so after that torture, Dash's punches tickled. The same could be said for Danny, as he had taken much worse hits before as well, along with the fact he was already half dead, allowing him to be more durable, too.

"You okay?" Tucker asked the half demon as he sulked at the lunch table.

"Fine. I just got a little present from Dash a few minutes ago, and though it didn't hurt me, it was still annoying. I know I'll have knots in my tail later today, too." Rin pouted. "It took quite a beating."

"So melodramatic," Sam drawled jokingly.

"I'll have you know that a demon's tail is its weak spot!" Rin huffed. "I can't help it if I'm whiny. A beating to my tail is a beating to my pride, and if I lose any more of it, I'll wither away."

"Seriously?" Danny raised an eyebrow.

"Well, not literally, but if anyone, meaning demons, knew I was letting some human beat me up, I would never hear the end of it, especially from Mephisto." Rin shuddered.

"Not even going to ask, dude." Tucker shook his head.

"Good choice," Rin said.

Danny yawned, suddenly swaying his face towards the food in front of him, eyes droopy.

"Woah, there!" Rin put his hand on Danny's chest, pushing him back into a sitting position and snapping his fingers in his face. "Maybe you should accept some help tonight. You need sleep, badly, and if you don't get it, something might happen."

"What's that 'spose to mean?" Danny slurred slightly.

"I have a short temper regardless, but lack of sleep and stress can make it worse. You are the combination of both, and I know better than anyone that those two things can and will cause you to snap. You need a good night's rest before you unleash hell on one of your unsuspecting classmates for asking for a pencil," Rin scolded.

"I thought only you were able to unleash Hell, being Satan and all," Tucker said.

"It's a figure of speech!" Rin barked.

Tucker's eyes widened, and he squeaked quietly. "Don't kill me!"

Rin paused and smiled. "See, short temper. And I'm not going to kill you." His smile turned sad. "I don't think you would have reacted like that if you thought I was still human."

"Rin-" Tucker started, but he was cut off by Sam's glare.

"It's fine," Rin said.

"No, it's not," Sam said.

"Back to Danny, please," Rin said as he stressed the words. "How about Tucker, Sam, Jazz, and I take on the ghosts tonight? When you get home, eat dinner and go straight to bed. Tucker or Sam can call Jazz and tell her the situation."

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