Giant Frogs and Lizzy Sees All

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As Lizzy drove him home for the night, Rin quietly mused about the night's events.

It was only a matter of time before they discovered the truth. If Danny asked around the Ghost Zone, he was sure the topic of Gehenna might come up since the Ghost Zone was just like Gehenna, a world which was the center of the universe, many portals in it leading to different universes while also existing in those other universes.

He was also sure that the ghosts knew what blue fire meant. If Danny mentioned that Rin had exploded into blue fire, there was going to be a lot of commotion.

There was also a chance Danny wouldn't tell any of the ghosts, though, since most of them were his enemies besides the Clockwork ghost.

Still, if Clockwork was the Master of Time, it was obvious that he would know what Rin was, and if he hadn't told Danny yet, Rin had nothing to fear from the ghost.

Although, Frostbite was also Danny's ally, so that could end up badly as well, but Frostbite, nor any of the Far Frozen, seemed to acknowledge or mention anything about his demon status, so hopefully they either didn't know or decided to keep quiet and trust Rin.

Suddenly, the car lurched, ending Rin's musings. He immediately sensed a demon's presence and cursed himself for not paying more attention.

He lunged forward, shielding Lizzy's body with his own. Thankfully, Rin was big enough to cover Lizzy, since she was a small woman.

The car flipped, glass shattering, and Rin could feel it cutting into his back and neck, but ignored it since he'd gotten worse wounds and felt worse pain before.

The car stopped upside down, and Rin kicked the door off the car, sending it flying across the empty road.

Rin urged Lizzy's to climb out, and he followed. Luckily, Lizzy only had a couple of bruises from the hard impacts, but was otherwise fine.

Rin's shirt was cut, gashes in his back and neck from the glass, arms scratched up was well, but was surprisingly okay aside from that. His hair was disheveled, but so was Lizzy's.

"Rin!" Lizzy gasped. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a bit scratched up. Nothing some band-aids and disinfectant won't fix." Rin smiled, but suddenly turned serious, whipping his head around.

"What is it?" Lizzy asked.

"Don't you wonder what made us flip if there's nobody out at this time of night?" Rin asked, but didn't face her.

Lizzy's eyes widened, and she, too, glanced around.

Rin felt the demonic presence again, and recognized it. "Lizzy, duck!"

Lizzy did so, dropping to the pavement beside Rin.

A giant frog-like creature leapt above them, landing loudly on the street.

Lizzy's eyes widened, but Rin started talking. "Lizzy, you need to calm down. That's a Leaper. It's a low-level demon that possesses frogs. If it looks you in the eyes or vice versa, and it senses any sadness, fear, apprehension, anger, or any kind of agitation, they will attack."

"Rin...I don't see anything," Lizzy murmured.

Rin blinked, then remembered she didn't have a temptaint. He grabbed her arm and scratched it, earning a hiss from her. "Rin! What was that for..." She trailed off, a huge frog-like creature appearing in front of them. "I see it now..."

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