Ghost Hunting and Angry Half Demons

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The ghosts were just as active, but they went through them quickly with Rin's help.

"I am the Box Ghost! Beware my cardboard boxes of doom!"

"This is the fifth time tonight!" Rin cried, already getting frustrated. "I can't believe Danny has to deal with you!"

"Phantom will never defeat me, the Box-" Boxy was cut off as Rin growled, his eyes turning to blue fire.

"Get in the thermos already."

The Box Ghost shrieked in fear of him, but wasn't able to escape the vortex of light that sucked him into the Fenton device.

"You know, if we want to actually catch the ghosts, please tone down on the demonic stuff. We don't want the ghosts running away." Sam eyed him.

"I can't help it! He is so annoying!" Rin cried.

"Danny has to put up with him every day," Tucker reminded the half demon.

"Remind me to have a small talk with Boxy before we throw him back into the Zone," Rin said.

"Why?" Jazz asked warily.

"I'll make sure he doesn't come back."

They all shivered. "Sure, Rin."


"I think that's all of them." Tucker smiled. "The tracker doesn't detect any ghost activity throughout the whole city."

"Thank god! Jeez, I feel really bad for Danny!" Rin cried.

"It's hard, but Danny does what he thinks is right." Jazz shrugged.

"Two words, hero complex." Sam laughed.

"I can already hear Danny protesting," Rin said jokingly.

"Well, we didn't have many difficult ghosts. Most of the time, Skulker is only out when Danny is around. The only other ghosts we had to face besides ectopusses and the Box Ghost was Technus, Johnny, Kitty, and Spectra," Jazz said.

"That woman can really get in your head." Rin frowned.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Sam asked hesitantly.

"Of course. It wasn't anything I haven't heard before. My insecurities and fears are things I've come to pass long ago. It hurt, but I wasn't vulnerable. I'm fine." Rin assured the goth.

"If you say so." Sam sighed.

"What time is it?" Jazz asked Tucker.

"About four in the morning," Tucker responded.

"I'll teleport you guys back home. You'll need the extra time to sleep." Rin smiled, and blue flames surrounded them all.


After Sam and Tucker were dropped off, Rin teleported them back to the Fenton house to drop off Jazz.

They appeared in her room, and Rin smiled at her, tail swaying. "See you!"

"Wait!" Jazz grabbed his arm. "I wanted to thank you. This whole time you've been looking out for my brother when I couldn't even if he didn't know it, and I can't thank you enough."

Demons and Ghosts, Hell's King and King of the DeadDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora