Chapter 8: Everything is new

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Saika P.O.V

The term break was fast. I don't even feel like we are in the holidays. Well I have to accept it anyway. I'm sitting here like organising stuff just like the CEO. Now it have so many document especially, when there's gonna be a new students joining this university.

"Saika," Dean Sigma came without my notice "you have to go now. Class is about to start in 1 hour, let me take care of the rest from here," she has a nice heart. I do what she says and go to my class.

"Did you guys know that we gonna have 9 new students will attend in this class?" I heard someone talking when I'm on my way to professor MinHyun class so I started to eavesdropping.

"Yeah," a group of girl are chatting "they came from the new school though," what school?

"True. Even they do not debut yet, they're gonna study here and oh my god, they are so good looking which is like a half God though," sigh, girls will be girls.

"What are you doing?" somebody behind me.

"Oh god, Wei. You scared me," he came out of nowhere. "I wasn't do anything. I was..... listening to music," I hope he doesn't know I was eavesdropping just now.

"Liar," he knows "I saw and heard everything and you might gonna meet those new students soon," they're in the same class with me. I just ask Wei what class that we gonna meet them. "Isn't it obvious singing," of course "but they gonna take instrument class and dance class too," they're the same classes with me.

"Well, if you want to meet them. Maybe you should go to your instrument class now," Bitto coming to our way. "Let's go together then since I'm also in your class too," why would he act like we never go together.

"Then, what are you waiting for? Let's go," I said until Bitto and I run as fast like a lightning forget to say goodbye to Wei.

We arrived to the class and take our seat and realise we were 30 minutes early. I hate waiting and Bitto keep on laughing how forgotten I am about the time the class suppose to start. Not to make the feeling awkward, I start the conversation.

"Do you know what school that all of the new students went?" I need to know all of their backgrounds.

"Even I don't know," now I'm thinking that he is useless. "But I heard the school name sounded like 'meo', 'oz', 'neo', I don't know much. We just wait until they come," what kind of language is that and what type of school that is new?

"Are they good at anything?" I want to know their skills too.

"If I'm correct, the majority is dancing and one people can sing and another one plays sport really well," all of them good at dance. "Stop asking me questions related to the new students, I don't even know much about them," he already exaggerated until I have to say sorry to him.

"Bitto," I've got another question to ask him "do you think Wei is acting weird lately?" he is doing something weird now. Is it because I promote him to become my assistant?

"No. Why?" that's all he can utter, so he always like that? "Wei is acting like that when he always around you," what? I ask him why "It's obvious that he likes you," he snap my forehead. "He confessed to us that he likes you, that's the reason he chose you," feel like to kill a cat now. I'm about to say another word but then all the students already inside.

"Okay class, before we start our lesson why don't we give a warm welcome to our new students. I hope you can treat them well and let them feel like they are one of us," said the professor. I am keen to know them.

As my eyes follow the people coming inside, many looking demi-god walk one by one. I was surprised that they are these handsome. "Now why don't all of you introduce yourself to all of your classmate," I'm getting excited.

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