Chapter 20: Trust

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No one's/Author P.O.V


"SAIKA!!!!" everyone shout and surprised when Alice appeared.

"What a small world right," Alice said and greet them with the warmest smile ever.

All of the people when Alice name was Saika shock because of her sudden appearance towards them. They don't know what to do and how to greet her back since she's the one who left them in the first place.

"Y-yo-you're back?" Jin asked in shock.

"Safe and sound," Alice said.

"I thought y-you will never come b-ba-back," Miu is getting teary.

"Yet here I am," Alice turn to her.

"You could have just told us in the first place," Leo said.

"They want it to be a surprise," Alice said pointing to both Baekhyun and Taehyung.

"You guys sure this is Saika that all of us know?" Ace said looking at Alice in disgust.

"How do you prove yourself?" Alain ask her. Makoto on the other side, hiding behind a tree heard the conversation. The urges for him to kill the person who doesn't believe Alice boiling up to his head.

"Well, I was born under a tree, I like music a lot and compose it until I've won many awards internationally. The youngest student to do Master in this institute," Alice try to convince them.

"Anyone can do that too," Kai said.

"I know I first met Wei in this University by accident which I wasn't on my mind and spill water at him," Alice try again.

"It's true," Wei believe her.

"What song did you sang during the University festival?" Suga ask.

"Moon without star," Alice answered immediately.

"What kind of sickness Saika has?" Lay ask.

"Necrosis phobia," Alice answered. "But now I don't have any."

"Lie!!!" Farah shout.

"That disease cannot be cure," Max said.

"But it cured by using something mystical," Alice said.

"You guys still don't believe her?" Taehyung ask and some of them shake their heads.

"Where were you born?" Ace ask.

Alice stays silent when she heard that. She keep on thinking where exactly she belong to until she answer, "Saika was born in Japan, and I am nowhere."

The answer make all of them surprised, Alice also start to cry slowly. Taehyung hug her then pat her head from behind. "Why you guys still stubborn to believe that this is our friend who we cherish the most!?" Baekhyun shout.

"Because," Alain raise his voice then pause for a moment, "because... she left us."

"It's because she has something else to take care of," Taehyung said.

"Then she could just continue to do that," Hyuk said.

"Try to think that all of your family member now are gone. The will that you guys get are something that should be protected like your life depends on it. She has carried that will until it burdens her. She was alone, no one is besides her to talk with her on that time," Baekhyun defend Alice.

All of them look at Alice who's still in Taehyung's embrace. "How can we trust her?" Ace ask.

"You were once her friend," Baekhyun said. "Why did you change? Just because she left and appear back without telling her reasons?" Baekhyun ask. "Sometimes, things have to be secret for protection."

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