Chapter 12: Rewind

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No one's/Author P.O.V


As always, the day seems to be fine and pleasant yet the weather is cold. Inside a building, students making noises when they heard a shocking news that will change the name of the school. Teachers preparing a red carpet to greet the elite student.

"The prince will study here! Really?," said one of the student. All of them were surprised until all the girls put on makeup and boys start to change into a clean cloth while the teachers set up a clean place for this royalties.

"Calm yourself down. There will be another student okay," said the boys who keen to meet both of the student. Rumours has spread all over the country, one of the new student are talented in every music but they do not know when that student gonna come and the prince that can unite other countries by words.

"Seriously. I can't wait to meet the prince," all of the student have assembled in the hall waiting for the arrival of the prince. People keep on talking about the prince.

"The prince has arrived," said the teacher whom in charge to control the student inside the hall. All of the student immediately take a seat.

"We would like to welcome you. Prince Alain," as well the new student comes from the royalties blood arrived, the headmaster of the school greet him, all the teachers and students stand up to show their respect towards him.

"I see that this school is international but why is it not big," said the prince whose being pompous and ungrateful against the school which is 12 times bigger than the all school around the world.

"I'm very sorry but this is the best size of school that we can built," the principle bow down to him.

"Let see if this school can make me graduate," the prince said and walk away from the teachers and take his special seat specially for him.

As the time goes by, the student return to their classes. The boys started to say something bad about the prince since it is true and that is his original background. Yet the girl doesn't even mind about it and still fall in love towards the prince. There's a class called 'Class-5A', that is the place where all of the grade A student study. The prince was full of himself, he transferred to that class to show his power.

"Okay students, since you all know, we gonna have three new student who will studying here," said the home room teacher. "Please come inside," the teacher add.

"My name is Alain Hakemichi. Nice to meet you all," said the prince whose coming up first. The boys feel disgusted when they saw him while the girl hold on to their shout of happiness.

"Where's the other students?" ask one of the student inside the classroom.

"They are coming. Please come inside both of you," the teacher order. Two students come inside and Alain still standing.

"Hello my name is Sanhu," the boy introduce himself towards the class.

"My name is Minamori," the new girl student introduce herself after the boy shyly.

"Both of us will be staying in the boarding house and we're from China," said Sanhu. All of the student were surprised because they can speak Japanese fluently. The girls were almost shouting when Sanhu started to talk.

"Now the three of you can take a seat," the teacher order and they obey. As all the new students are happy, they all experience the first time studying in the international school.

As the day pass, the prince being really worst in the school. All the student cannot take his action. As well as the day pass more and more, there's also 10 new students joining the school. Yet the prince being more pompous towards the students even the new student. But the next day is a whole new story that will change the prince and the new students.

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