Chapter 29: The Power of Evolution

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Alice's P.O.V

24 hours has passed, now I'm in hands of Dan where he's carrying me to the destination. This place is dark but there is a little bit of light emitting. He climbed up the mountain still carrying me in bridal style. After he walk normally, I saw an altar where he's going. He place me on it and I just sit quietly. I'm done curious about which side is true or false, I'm just depend on the outcome of the battle.

"Don't worry," Dan speaks up, "after this, we can be together. This will just take a while and bear the pain."

I just nod my head on what he's saying. "Sir," suddenly, one of his people called him. "We have a problem," he said.

"Which is?" he ask.

"She's not complete yet. There's a missing eyecon within her," his man said.

"I don't mind, as long as Darwin is inside of her, it will be perfect," Dan answered.

"That is the problem, sir. Darwin is not inside of her," the man remind him.

"What?" he looked surprised then.

'I'm incomplete,' I thought, that's when I realise there's hope for me.

He groaned and said to his man, "Stay in position and ready your offence. Darwin must be with Parad. As soon as he appears, attack him immediately and take Darwin's eyecon."

"Understood," his man said and go back to his post.

"One more hour left until the sun is covered by the moon," he said after looking at his watch.

He takes out his magitek and put it forcefully on the ground opposite of me. It stays there and now we just wait until the eclipse occurrence. I'm on the other hand, just realise what Sanzou was telling me. I have hope now and wait until my brother get here.

Parad's P.O.V

"We are here now," Cyber said and I look at the window, I see the island. I look at the mountain and squint my eyes in determination to take back Alice.

We drop the ground team first then we went back inside for the aerial team to attack. Immediately, the ground team move and I can already see that they already arrive at the mountain thanks to all those training and Cyber's armour.

"Flight mode activate," the system said after we get back inside and Cyber type in some code.

The ship turn into a plane and we fly invisibly to the mountain. As we arrived, no sound was created I assume since that figure didn't look up and I also saw Alice on the altar. I smiled and think about that this has been planned after all. I hold onto the Darwin's eyecon tightly.

"Are you guys ready?" Cyber ask the others and they all answered in confident.

"Don't worry," Azumi came to my side and continue saying, "We've come this far, there's nothing gonna stop us."

I just nod my head then Cyber called me asking, "Are you ready?"

I look at them then said, "Let's go."

"We're waiting for your order," Ran said and I just nod.

"Open the hangar," I command and Cyber opened it. "Ready your weapon," I said, Sarang and Sehun are ready with their hands, Ran and Cyber ready with their designed sword while Azumi ready with her fans. I'm on the other hand change into my armour. "In three, two, one. Now!" I shout and all of us falling down.

No one's/Author's P.O.V

As the aerial team falling down, Dan realise their movement now. He take out a sword and brace for the impacts above. Parad attack him with his weapon and Dan blocked it. Azumi and Ran immediately assist Parad but Dan able to withstand their attack. Dan army go and attack them but with Sarang and Sehun by their side, they push the nuisance down to the cliff of the mountain.

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