True Ending: Taehyung

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Alice's P.O.V

Today, is a very peaceful day for me to relax. All I'm doing right now is just reading book under the gazebo of outdoor garden while drinking a lavender tea. My mind is relaxed. It's peaceful enough until I want to stay that way, not until Taehyung suddenly massage me.

From: Taehyung
You're gonna come to our special concert right?

To: Taehyung
How can I forgot?

I lied, I totally forgot about it. Just as what I thought that today is gonna be a peaceful day, the tide turns upside down. With a long sigh, I leave the spot and stretch my body first before going.

From: Taehyung
Don't forget to wear something nice. I love you

To: Taehyung
Is this some kind of surprise?

As I finished texting him, I go to my room and freshen up myself. If you're wondering, Taehyung and I have been dating for months. Sometimes we have some ups and downs but we made it through. His fans kinda not accepting our relationship but I sacrifice myself by telling the truth to the press. He was there for me and the fans finally saw our love, now they're shipping us together. Whatever the ups and downs is, we always forgive each other. He's the warmth to my heart.

As soon as I finished freshen up myself, I wear my casual dress with a jean to cover my leg. All I can say is, the only beautiful dress I have is the one my brother bought it for me only. Nothing less as this dress is too perfect.

I walk downstairs with my phones and the ticket he gave me. Also, I got a VIP seat. Before going out, I better drink some cold water to stay hydrated. That's when Yabo-nii suddenly walks in.

"Having a break?" I ask to start a little bit of conversation.

He looked at me with his tired face then answered, "I woke up late, might as well take a rest."

"Okay," I simply said.

"Going out?" he ask pouring an orange juice to a glass.

I finish my drink first and answered, "Yeah."

"Be careful on the road," he said after finishing his drinks.

"Thanks," I said after putting my glass to the sink. "I'll see you soon," I bid him and go out of my house.

Journey to the venue, I just take my ride through bus then walk a little bit to get used of Seoul. When I'm arrived, I believe that I was late because there's no one outside. However, the ticket administrator are still there. Without hesitation I go inside and the employee guide me to my seat.

Not a fan of a concert since their fans are really loud and shout nonstop, it makes my ears bleed. However, I have to support them and Taehyung keeps on forcing me to come so I have no other choice.

As I finally seat comfortably and ignore all the noise, I realise that BTS are performing right now. If I'm not mistaken, judging by the lyrics, they are singing their old song first. I have no idea how I can find this amusing.

Taehyung saw me as he wink towards my direction noticing that I've been staring at him for a long time. The audiences however, switch their look to me and the feeling of embarrassment surge through my body so I cover my face with my hand. He's good at teasing people.

The concert is quite long as the BTS keeps on singing all their song from when they're debut until their current song. As I thought that they are about to finish the concert since they all finally perform 'Not Today', they come back again with a bouquet flowers on stage.

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