Chapter 14: A New Leaf

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Saika's P.O.V

This morning was so weird. I woke up with swollen eyes while the boys wearing Yukata in the most funny way I ever saw and I even scold my friends for not letting them to wear a proper shirt. The most weird thing is I have to meet my brother at the institute while my friends gets to eat breakfast. At least I can go with my friends do a sightseeing for what I have plan and meet Azumi secretly. I still remember I have to meet a guy named, Soma Haruto.

"Now, separate yourselves into groups that I have arranged. Alain you with me," I said and they all go into groups.

"Is that all. Should we play a game somehow," Kai ask something, I raise my eyes directly to him indicating 'No'.

"It will be fun isn't it," Wei backing him up, all of the people nod in agreement.

"Fine," I give up since they really want it. "The game is, take a lot of picture in groups and buy many souvenirs. The most picture and souvenir from any other groups will win and the least one shall pay us dinner," I said and they all nod immediately. Then we start to rearrange ourselves and go to different directions.

"Where are we gonna go first?" Baekhyun ask.

"I'm not a fan of many people in one group, so I suggest we separate into four sub-groups so this place will be less crowded," I said to them but they all disagreed with it.

"We're already separated, why do you want to separate us again?" Hwi Young ask.

"I don't want to control you guys," I said the condition, then they all look a little bit sad. "Second, Kyoto is better when we go in a small portion of people and I might gonna go some place that might not gonna interest you guys," I explain.

"Okay then, I accept it," Hwi Young open his heart. "But, we don't have to play the game right?" he ask.

"Come on, it's just a sub-group so we still a team," I said and they all nod. Then, they started to rearrange themselves. "Sorry, you can't come with me. The others might gonna need your guidance," I said to Alain and Taeyang whose on the way to me just now.

"So who you'll gonna take?" Sanhu ask. I just keep on looking around until my eyes meet Zu Ho. I shake my head and think of someone else, by thinking I meant looking at other directions, and what do you know, my eyes met with Baekhyun. The silence one.

"I'm gonna need one girl with me," I exclaimed in anxious after seeing them. Oh god my face might really turn red right now.

"But I thought you want the person who can speak Japanese to guide them," Sarang ask.

"Yeah, since our group have one extra which is Taeyang. He can guide them," I said and Taeyang look at me in surprise.

"Why me suddenly?" he ask. I just tell him that just do it for my sake and he just agreed since I have to buy him something as a reward.

"So, my sub-group will be Sarang, Baekhyun, Ravi and me," I said and the person I called come. "We don't have much time so bye," I said to the remaining one and immediately grab Baekhyun and Ravi's hand while Sarang is catching up on me. Why do I feel guilty for not choosing Zu Ho or Hwi Young. Anyway, first stop is changing into the great people cloth.

30 minutes later

"So who is this great people that I'm dressing up right now?" Ravi ask when we're about to finish. I look at him and start to think of someone.

"You are Okita Souji," I look at him while the people is putting on makeup for me.

"Who's that?" Sarang ask. I just glare at her, my face is trying to tell her that she's been living in Japan and she don't even know who he is.

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