Chapter 25: J VS K

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Alice's P.O.V


My whole plan for the Japanese VS Korean pop is working out well. I got the best singers from Japan while my Korean friends, excluding Bongyoung and Sarang, are gonna sing just because they an idol anyway, well some of them.

I'm just getting ready to go to the university, of course I'm wearing the same dress my first brother bought for me. It is an important occasion anyway so I have to look good in front of my juniors. I don't have to apply make up because my face is natural, even though it's pale.

"Alice," Makoto called as he open the door to my room while I just getting my wallet and phone. "You're ready?" he ask and I nod.

On my way to him, my head start to ache. Out of all sudden, a vision shown to me. I can feel Makoto is holding my shoulders but my head is aching too much until I remember one of the heroic eyecon that is inside of me have the ability to foretell. Looks like she wants me to see something.

I lose conscious but Makoto support me from falling from the floor. "What happen?" he ask worriedly.

"Himiko is telling me something," I answered honestly to him.

My vision is quite blurry but I can see Makoto's worried face. "Should we go?" he ask.

"It will be rude if we didn't go," I said then force myself to stand up.

"Is it bad?" he ask referring to the vision. I just shake my head but he is still worried about something.

"Come on," I try to change the mood, "brother is waiting for us."

He's still worried but he nod in understatement and follow my order. While walking I try to remember the vision I had. If I'm not mistaken, there was fire that lit up and burn everything away, then there's the stage light falling down causing explosion and finally a guy came down from the helicopter with seven armed soldiers. Let's just put that aside.

We arrive at the university's compound and all three of us are greeted by Baekhyun who look like he's been waiting the whole time. Makoto immediately go to the dressing rooms to check on the Japanese idols. Leaving me and brother on the hands of Baekhyun.

Baekhyun escort us to the front of the stage but we are on standby in front of the entrance door. Baekhyun ask us to wait for our cue when the door is open. He go inside and we hear a noise for a minute after he went inside.

Then I heard the MC talk, "Welcome guys to the first annual Japanese VS Korean concert competition."

Then another MC said the same thing but in Japanese. I guess the first one is Bongyoung while the second is Minamori. Either way they are good in becoming an MC from my ear.

"We would like to thanks to our sponsors, entertainment companies, all of the current idols and idol rookies including the newbies to join this activities, and the person who planned all of this, please welcome our esteem alumni, Alice," Bongyoung said then Minamori translate it.

The door opened and my brother and I walk side to side. Our arm are holding each other so he can support me. I look at the right and the left seeing that the students are all surprised to see me.

"Let's invite our ex council to give a speech," Bongyoung said then brother gave me to him.

I stand on the pandemonium and start saying, "I really don't want to talk much but since it's been a long time I haven't seen you guys so, I'll make this short," I clear my throat the continue the speech, "So when I was first thought that which one is the best idol group, I didn't realise it would spread to my friends and they start to debate then the final solution is to make the competition. Luckily, most of you guys agreed to this and so we finally have our own Asian singing competition. I don't want to delay time any longer, the last thing I wanna say is, Japan is gonna win this battle."

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