// p r e f a c e //

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I huffed an exasperated sigh as I made my way down the the winding corridor. The hall was a glistening white, from the polished tile floor to the walls with yellow light from above bouncing off of them. 

When I made the final right turn, I was met with a glass doorway, displaying an empty conference room.

When I entered Vera's office that was connected to the conference room, there she stood behind her desk with her stupid seductive yet malicious grin. Her office had such a futuristic aura to it, with it's white and black speckled marble floor and ceiling.

An art piece of a shiny silver panel with an astronaut on it, adorned on her wall. A glass divider that separated her chilling area - with two white stainless couches and a hexagonal shaped coffee table - away from her actual office.

I hate it.

"You wanted to see me," I stood with my arms crossed. Ready to let every word that would escape her luring glossed lips go through one ear, and straight out of the other.

"Take a seat Alexander," She said sweetly. You'd be stupid to think that it was an authentic kind of sweet.

"Oh god," I mumbled as I settled myself into one of her firm white leather chairs positioned on a slight angle near her desk. "What do you want?"

"You're on abduction duty," She informed, pacing slowly to and fro. Her heels creating a steady beat against the floor.

I squinted my eyes in disbelief, "Wha-"

"Cora," Vera's instinctive voice interpreted. Right on cue, a blue transparent hologram screen then appeared to my right with a picture of a young girl.

She had hazelnut brown hair that ran just a little passed her shoulders, with a pair of piercing cat like eyes. Alongside of her photo was all of her information. Name, age, weight, address. Everything.

I raised both my brows for a split second when I looked more closely at her file. "Why are you doing this now? We haven't had a recruit in years."

"Oh Xander darling," She sighed. "You know I hate it when I'm questioned."

I open my mouth to spit something sarcastic, but none of my words hit the air due to her interruption. "I want you to train her and her brother."

"Not happening," I rejected immediately.

"That's funny because it wasn't an offer," She feigned a smile. "Xander you're one of our best agents. And I've seen the way you were with Kimber."

I tried not to show emotion at the mention of her name as I casually ran a hand over my mouth. Vera raised a brow, knowing she won this unannounced battle.

"Anyway, this is Jett. Her brother," The screen changed to a boy with similar features of the girl previously shown. "And then there's little Violet," The screen switched once more to a significantly younger girl. Maybe around five or six years old.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes, "When do I go?" 

"Depends how fast you can put together a team. Oh . . . and you're also teaching the Self Defense and Combat class."

I took my back off the chair and shot up into an upright position. "What?! Luke teaches that class."

"I know, and now you're teaching it . . . Mr. Morgan," She provoked.

I slumped back into my chair and groaned, sliding my hand over my forehead. "Teaching the recruits is like teaching high school freshman."

"Oh quit whining Alex. You're dismissed," She said passively, skimming over papers inside a manila folder. 

"Make sure when you go down to Medical you take three sedatives," Vera added as I was on my way out. I stopped in my tracks and turned back around, puzzled.

"I thought you just wanted the girl and her brother."

"Oh no . . . I want of all three of them," She looked up with a wicked smile.


A/N - hey guys! how'd you like it?
Curious and intriguing I hope lol.

What do you guys think was going on, or is gonna happen in the first chapter?

Everything will make sense gradually. Chapter by chapter things will make sense ;)

-kya h.

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