14 | rogue one

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"Grey on your left!"

I whipped around and blocked a swinging fist from ramming into my face with my arm. The man threw another punch and I swung down low, in a duck. I jabbed my knee into his gut and punched his jaw. The shrill of a gunshot sounded and the man went limp to the floor.

I spun around and faced Jett. "I had him!"

"Not anymore," He shrugged. Yup. Jett is an Agent now.

We headed up the flight of stairs nearby.

"That was so unnecessary," I swatted at his arm.

"Well you would've done it eventually! Now shut up and stop being petty."

"Petty?!" I scoffed incredulously. "I know you you're not talking, you-"

We stopped, when a man rushed into our sight on the platform of the mini flight of stairs that led to another.

"What are you brother and sister? I can hear y'all from upstairs."

Jett and I exchanged looks.

I threw a punch, Jett kicked him in the crotch and Jack - positioned at the top of the stairs sent a tranquilizer into his back.

"Yes. Yes we are," Jett finally answered.

"No sign of the target on the third floor," Jack informed us as we made our way up the stairs to the second level of the abandoned dusty mansion.

We're on a kill order mission.

Meaning that Vera has someone that she specifically wants dead. It's our job to do so with no questions asked. But my curiosity was strong and implacable. Why does she want this person dead? What did they do?

Plus, it made me nervous to think that I'd have to take another persons life without knowing the reason why. I know Jett had an easier time with that, like what just took place because he thought he was to protecting me. I knew that was the reason.

"Split up," Jett ordered and we dispersed in different directions. Jett went on his own and Jack went in my direction. I held my gun up defensively at arms length, walking in and out of rooms. The target had protection in which I'm pretty sure we all took out.

"Hey!" I shouted to a figure in a black hoodie, readying himself to jump out of a window in room."Stop right there."

"You got 'em?" Jack asked through my ear com. Oh crap.

The man stopped, jumped down from the windowsill and slowly pulled down his hood. He turned around and my heart dropped when I entered the room.

It was him. The man that Vera wants dead. Pierre. Apparently she's been trying to catch him for years and it was my job to end their little game of tag.

He held his hands up in a surrender. "Grey Liara. Very nice to meet you," His strong french accent hardly went unnoticed. I frowned and titled my head in shock.

"How do you know my name?"

"Grey?" I heard Vera's voice come through the ear com. "Shoot him now."

"You don't have to do this," Pierre insisted. My chest heaved in conflict of mind.

"Shoot him!" Vera urged.

"I know more than you think," Pierre hinted and sparked my curiosity.

I aimed my gun down to the ground and pulled the trigger three times, the bullets split through the floorboards.

"He's dead," I lied. I jerked my head toward the window, signaling Pierre to escape.

He smirked went to leap out of the window. I needed to let Grant know about this. Pierre hinted that he held valuable information, I couldn't let that go.

"Oh thank goodness," Vera sighed of relief. "Mission complete. Thank you Grey."


1:54 AM

Grant sat in the black roller chair with his laptop open. I, dressed in my silk pajamas, sat with my legs crisscrossed on the metal table with a mug of scorching hot tea in my hands. I always preferred tea over coffee.

"Did you find it yet?"

Grant's eyes were fixed intensely on the screen. "Not yet."

I told him about the mission and it excited us both that we had our first task as a rebels to decipher. We were in our new found layer. I liked it down here, the poorly lit spacious, quiet room soothed me.

Grant was in the process of going through Vera's documents. In search for Pierre's file, in which Vera never showed. We had to know what he knew.

"Got it," Grant said. I put down my mug and got off the table. I stood behind Grant to read over the information.

"He used to be a Society Agent," Grant read. "One of Vera's connections to find information for missions."

"But he just . . . stopped being one?" I asked. The file read that he was an Agent from 2000-2011. Eleven solid years.

"He rebelled," Grant clarified, eyes still focused on the screen.

My face lit up when I read a sentence on the screen, wants to dispose of Society.

He knew Vera was hiding something big for the future and his curiosity drove Vera mad. To the point of him realizing that her true motives were corrupt.

"How can we see him again?"

"I have no idea," Grant was just as clueless as I was. But a smile brightened his features.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have rogue one."


A/N - another person who isn't blind to Vera's ways, ayeee 🎉.

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter! x

Votes/Comments are much appreciated! x

- kya h.

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