10 | the sim

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I stood in the middle of an empty room with bright white walls and wood floors. I knitted my brows in confusion at the change of setting. What is this?

I suddenly heard a subtle rushing, crashing noise that grew louder by the second.

A huge body of water bursted into the room and surrounded me, wetting my black jeans. The sudden freezing temperature shot a shiver down my spine.

It was almost up to my knees and it rose rapidly. My chest heaved, my heart pounded against my lungs. I attempted to walk but the rising, rough, deep blue water made each step heavy and difficult.

I lost my footing and slapped my hand against the wall to keep me from going under. I knew that would eventually become inevitable pretty soon.

The water was now above my waist and I began to float. Panic wracked my body as I got closer to the ceiling the more the water level continued to heighten.

I tried to keep myself above surface as long as I could with my hands and nose pressed against the ceiling. It was up to my neck. My breathing patterns became irregular.

This was it.

I sucked in a deep breath and plunged into the water. I swam out of the fully submerged room to a larger empty room with the same brown wooden floors. It almost looked like a studio with it's tall white columns. I swam through and spotted a hallway.

This whole setup was weird. It was like a big unfurnished house.

I found another doorway once I was in the hallway and swam in. My arms were starting to feel strained from all the swimming. I kicked my legs and stroked my arms faster, desperate for air.

After swimming through yet another empty room, I entered another, relieved to see the surface.

I shot up from the water, inhaling the needed air into my deprived lungs.

As I panted, I surveyed my surroundings. I was in a black walled room with nothing but the large square opening containing the body of water.

I swam to the edge and lifted myself out, several droplets dripping from my soaked body and splatting onto the ground. I slipped off my white sweater, feeling the cool air bite at my bare arms. My sodden white tank top clung to me.

There was a doorway straight ahead so I exited the room and saw a white arrow on the wall to my left. Pointing straight. With skepticism, I followed, water droplets trailing behind me. The arrows were on every other wall.

I followed the given directions, constantly making turns down narrow hallways with hollow rooms on each side. It was the exact setup as the area I just swam through with the exception of black walls.

I contorted my brows and slowly came to halt coming up on a grey narrow room containing a pool of clear aqua blue water. Lights were built into the wall below the water giving the pool a glimmer.

A metallic grey colored wall closed the strange rectangular room in. There was a doorway several feet away from me on my right and the only way to get to it was to swim.

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