31 | calvin

364 40 41

mini a/n - playing the song is highly recommended, adds a nice touch 😉.



My arms stroked and legs kicked through the cool aqua blue water. The water thrashed around me as I swam back and forth from each end of the pool. Of all the time I've been at Society this had been my first time in the pool room. The chill ambience was just what I needed.

I pressed my back against the tiled pool wall, slicking my wet hair back.

The more and more I devoted my energy to thinking about it, the more doubt snaked it's way in. I still remember the story Grant told me about the Serenity and Peter. Vera executed them because of their inappropriate relationship.

What if the path Xander and I are on is too dangerous to tread on?

Vera could find out and that would the very end. But at the same time, after Xander confessed to having feelings for me, it involuntary brought forward the feelings I didn't even know I had. Now there was no turning back, I like Xander and I want to be with him.

Too dangerous, I warred back and forth with the thought.

I laid my head back and closed my eyes, with only the sound of pool water brushing up against the walls.

* f l a s h b a c k *

I laid on my stomach atop of my bed, occupied with watching an episode of Criminal Minds. I felt his hand gently cuff around my suspended calve, and sway it back and forth playfully. I hummed a laugh.

I turned around and saw his eyes focused on this phone screen, his thumb dashing back and forth around the screen. If I stared long enough I'd be able to catch him attempt to suppress a smile.

I turned back around with a frown present. I felt like the whole time he's been here, my whole presence was disregarded.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom," He told me as he placed his phone on my nightstand. He raked a hand through my hair before he left my room.

I redirected my attention to the tv. Criminal Minds had always been my favorite shown. Watching the characters solve mind boggling cases gave me a sense of satisfaction.

A vibration sounded against my nightstand table. I got up from my spot and grabbed his phone.

iMessage (3)

It irked me that I couldn't see the actual message. He purposely did that, I know it.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked with anger flamed in his tone.

I chucked his phone at him," You've been texting her this whole time!"

"It's nothing serious calm down. Y'know there's this little thing called trust Grey," He snapped back.

"Really?" I quipped harshly. "What are you talking about with her? School work because the both of you are just star students and strive for excellence?" I said with an artificial joy. "She constantly flirts with you."

"You need to fix your definition of flirting."

"I will when you start paying attention to ME, you're actual girlfriend. Unbelievable," I shook my head.

"That's it," He violent shoved at my shoulders and I crashed backward onto my bed. I attempted to swat my hand at his face but he caught it in a tight gasp as he straddled me. I fidgeted under him.

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