02 | welcome

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I peeled my eyes open and at first, everything was blurred and distorted. My head was drooped over I picked it up, whipping strands of hair out of my face. I squinted at the harsh yellow light that beat down on me.

I was sat in a metal chair with my wrists tied behind my back. There was a constant ringing in my ears that wouldn't cease causing me to pinch my eyes closed.

"Where am I?!" My voice rasped and head ached. I grimaced as I rolled my head around to work out the constant sore in my neck.

I started to notice my surroundings and realized that I'm in a bland grey walled room with a concrete floor and metal door. There was also a metal table with a manila folder sitting atop of it hundreds of feet away from me.

I felt that my wrists were tied together with rope. So I tried to wrangle them out of the tight constraining hold of the rope. But I wasn't very successful.

I kept trying, growing more determined after every fail. After a few more attempts, I finally loosened the rope and was able to slip my wrist out.

However, I paused when the metal door opened to two familiar men. The same two men who tried to hold me down.

"Sorry G. We didn't formally introduce ourselves. I'm Luke and this is Jack."

"Tell me where I am," I demanded harshly.

"Mm. Not our place to say," Jack shook his head.

"Where's my brother and sister."

Jack was lent up against the metal table reading something in the manila file. Luke, with his true blonde hair, teasing green eyes and full lips, walked closer to me and bent down to my level. His hands rested on his knees. "Oh don't worry. They're alive."

His closeness made my blood boil.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where are they," I slowed my last few words to make sure he got that I was on the verge of an outburst.

He laughed. "Ah man, Xander is just gonna have a ball with you in his class."

That's it.

I banged my forehead into his and shot my knee up to his crotch causing him to roar in pain, and eventually gave way to the floor.

My head started to throb from the hard impact of the head bang. Jeez.

I broke free from the rope and tried to run to the door. My body was still weak so I didn't get too far when my knees gave out and I collapsed to the floor with a smack. I tried to muster up the little strength left in me to get back up.

But my ankle was gripped firmly and my small frame was dragged against the rough concrete floor. That is until I smashed my foot into Luke's face.

I was then yanked up by my arm and started to kick and slap at the arm secured around my stomach. It was Jack.

Here I am, in the same predicament as just a few hours ago. "Get your hands off of me!"

"We need someone in here!" Luke's shout was a bit strained due the pain he was still in, on the floor still wincing mixed with a few occasional groans. I tried my best to break free from Jack, but to no avail he only tightened his hold.

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