25 | bombshell pt. 2

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Everything seemed to happen in a blur after I discovered Society derived from my very own parents. I flipped my laptop off my lap and stood up.

A hurricane of emotions hit me hard. My ears started to ring as I got down on my knees and tugged at the roots of my hair. My back heaved, my eyes teared up, my heart pounded against my ribcage.

It was more of an anger than a sadness.

So that's what brings me storming to Vera's office with the disk grasped in my hand.

I slammed it on her desk angrily.

Vera looked up from her paperwork with a calmed expression. She stood from desk, walked to the front and leaned her body weight against it.

"Well I see that you've stolen my disk," She stated the obvious with no anger inflected in her voice. "But I actually wanted you to find it. I knew you'd take the bait."

"You've kept this from me the whole entire time," My voice sounded emotionally strained. I also knew that I looked a wreck with my reddened eyes and discombobulated hair.

"I did," She nodded. "But don't worry. I'm gonna tell you the story."

I remained silent with a hard expression worn on my face, crossing my arms.

Vera inwardly sighed before she began, "Your parents. Frank and Willamina Liara. They were the type of people who seemed to have their heads in the clouds. Especially when Willa said that she wanted to change the world. Believe it or not the crime back in '95 was bad, 's always been bad.

But turns out that Willa was serious. She pitched her idea to the President and surprisingly, he granted it. That's when the Alliance was made. Willa was pregnant with Jett then. I was there every step of the way. It was the three of us."

It seemed like she was reminiscing as she spoke.

"When the facility was bought, I was the one who brought them the missions, found the connections and helped make mission plans. You wanna know why your parents were barely home when you guys were little? They were running Society. Recruiting people for this new system on reducing crime."

"But then . . ." She crossed her arms and averted her gaze to the ground. "There was a mission in Costa Rica. They wanted to do it together . . . they were both shot and killed by the targets."

My heart broke. Shattered. I pressed my lips into a thin line as I attempted to bite back my tears.

Vera continued, "And after that tragedy happened, I took over and changed Society for the better. I've had eyes on you Jett and Violet for years, watching the three of you live on your own. I wasn't sure on wether to bring you here. But then I realized . . . I wanted my nieces and my nephew in the place they were destined for."

My chest heaved, lips departed in immense shock.

She nodded in confirmation. "That's right Grey. I'm your Aunt. Society is in your blood."

"No," I whispered. "No no no NO!"

"Willa was my little sister. I was there when all three of you were born. Which reminds me," She held up her index finger. "Your 20th birthday is next week."

I cupped a hand over my mouth and I lowered myself into a squat. Everything finally pieced together. Why my parents were gone so long, leaving Jett, Violet and I with our grandmother. Their disappearance.

Jett and Violet's fondness for her.

I wanted to cry that I finally knew the concrete fact that my parents are dead. The sliver of hope that hung over my head for the last five years diminished. I wanted to scream at Vera for keeping this from me. Let alone the fact that the witch is my own blood.

Vera walked to her bookshelf that took up half the wall on her left. She took out a handful of CD cases hidden behind several books.

"These are the rest of the video diaries," She handed them to me. I looked up at her and my features softened as I took them into my hands. The last memory of Mom and Dad.

I stood to my feet with my eyes focused on the disk, pushing back a portion of hair behind my ear.

I didn't know how I was going to live with this bombshell. But I knew I sure had to find a way, quick.


A/N - how IS she gonna live w this 😭

any of you guys see that coming? the secret is finally out!

Hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! Votes/Comments are much appreciated! x

- kya h.

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