37 | chase

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Lyon, France

I let out quiet short concentrated breaths, hands tightly gripped to the pull up bar as I lugged my body up with quicker speed. My arms were on fire and I could feel my core tighten with each and every pull-up. Helena placed a bar at the top of the doorframe. My eyes were trained on the TV in the living room to distract my mind from the burning sensation in my arms.

I couldn't quiet hear at this distance but I did see a familiar face. Deidra Sanders. She was a renowned social worker who helped distraught families, with the addition of being involved in a bunch of charity events. It was no surprise to me that she made another television appearance.

I let go of the pull up bar and my feet smacked to the ground. I huffed and picked up my black tank on the floor, throwing it over my head.

I need to get out of here.

It's been six days since my message to Society and I haven't heard from Grant or Kimber. My mind goes haywire when thinking what could be possibly going on over there. And for a split second, I question if sending that message was the right move.

But I knew it was, I had no doubt it shocked Vera and knocked her off her game.

Helena and the team told me not to leave the flat as a percussion. Society Agents could be lurking around in search for me. Especially since we've had no word from Grant and Kimber. It worried me but I reassured myself that they'd call when they find a new piece of information. I walked to Helena's room and opened one of her dresser drawers.

I carefully lifted her stack of clothing, spotting euro bills at the bottom. I smiled placing her clothes on top of the dresser. She told me about this secret stash in case we needed to relocate for whatever reason.

I grabbed ten euros, stuffing it into the pocket of Helena's loose fitting grey joggers. I placed her clothes neatly back into their place and closed the drawer. I saw one of her thin material white hoodies laid over the chair by her desk, so I put that on and left the room.

She specifically told me not to leave. But am I - Grey Liara - going to listen?

Of course not.


The sky was an overcast grey, but it blended well with the buildings

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The sky was an overcast grey, but it blended well with the buildings. Chatter and a plethora of aromas filled the streets.

I was in the heart of the city. Where a tan historical monument stood in the center of the town square. Everywhere I walked I practically gawked at every building. They were so beautifully built with rich history, so different from American buildings.

There was a decent crowd walking around, in and out of shops, some settled down at one of the outside cafe tables. I loved it every moment of being able to wander. I couldn't stay in that flat another minute when Lyon whispered my name teasingly among the wind.

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