08 | in the dark

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I dropped down from the vent, landing in a kneel with my fingertips on the smooth desktop. I jumped off and picked up the little screws that were still bestrewn on the floor and tightened the vent back in it's place. 

I still couldn't believe what I just saw. The same surreal moment was on loop in my mind. Xander and that Kimber girl. In a relationship.

Part of my wanted to question if it was just a friends with benefits arrangement. But the way Kimber looked at him told a different story. I also noticed that Xander tried to shadow his concern, but I know he cared.

I plopped down on my bed still in awe, raking a hand through my hair. It just blew my mind. But with that came another thought. My main goal was to find a dirty little secret about Society because my intuition is ringing the alarms unceasingly.

Xander's scandal might not have been what I was particularly looking for, but boy was it good.

The fact that I held this secret gave me an advantage over Xander. I never liked him from day one. Now that I have one of his little secrets, I'm waiting for him to try me.

He's Vera's most entrusted agent and she wouldn't be too happy about him breaking the Honor Code. Something so authoritative and drilled into these people's minds that they'd never even think about breaking one of those rules.

I wonder what would happen if someone breaks the honor code, or if anybody has done it.

A knock came to my door, disturbing me from my thoughts. I opened it and Tegan was at the door, clad in black pants and long sleeved sheer paisley blouse that dipped down low at her cleavage.

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go down and get an early dinner with some friends from class."

I'd rather not.

"Sure," My voice lacked the enthusiasm to match hers. I closed the door behind me and we walked down to the cafe together. The cafe was like a school lunch cafeteria. Only way better. It was a black walled room with the accent wall padded with black cushion.

A long silver table was against that wall. The rest of the room was dotted with square smooth wooded black tables, with silver chairs. It's like a lounge.

No matter what time of the day it was, there was alway food. There's  actual chefs and talented cooks who prepare it. I'm sure Vera had them kidnapped too. That's how we all got here.

Tegan and I grabbed black plastic to-go containers and headed for the salad bar. I saw that there was chicken breast and asparagus over where the hot food was being kept. I knew they're other options over there too but non of that stuff wetted my appetite.

What else is new.

Everything here is so healthy. Protein and energy foods that will boost our stability. Salads, vegetables, chicken. It all made me frustrated. A couple months here and I've been eating like the freakin' birds. I want a burger. A pizza. Not salads almost everyday.

I saw Sara and Bianca waiting for us, so Tegan and I joined them with our dressed salads in hand.

"Hey guys!" Sara greeted brightly.

"Oh Tee! Tell us more about that story with your ex," Bianca said between chewing her food.

One thing I've noticed is that these girls like to talk about their lives before Society. Something I don't particularly want a share in. Tegan likes to talk about her past relationships. In which I don't have enough fingers to count them off.

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