18 | unmasked

380 58 44


"Alright. Class is done. Shoo," I waved off my students and they filed out of the room on to their next class. I'll be happy when all of them pass their Sim Test and become Agents so I could retire from this job. Missions already drained my energy enough.

I closed the door behind me in my office and carelessly threw my black clipboard onto the desk.

"Mr. Morgan, incoming video call from Vera."

Cora's hologram screen assembled.

"And this day just keeps getting better," I mumbled bitterly at the sight of Vera sitting at her desk.

"I thought about what you said yesterday."

"About what exactly?" I inquired.

"About the mass killing on your latest mission. I want somebody framed for it. It's too soon for chaos to happen and the alliance with the President still needs to stay intact until I initiate Project X."

"And you want me to do the framing," I guessed. It wasn't the first time she's resorted to this.


"Yeah well I wasn't the only one on the task force so . . ."

"Fine. I'll have Liam do it. You have polygraphing with me anyway," She raised her perfect arched brow.

"Bye," I swiped my hand over the screen and it disappeared. I sighed, knowing I had to start to head down to the interrogation room on the ground level.

It was a small room with grey walls, a metal table set in the middle and a single light that beamed brightly from above.

I started the route to the room with reluctance. I wanted no part of the polygraph sessions. They're so boring.

Person after person the result sheet remained clean. No lies detected. But of course, Vera was persistent on finding the traitor and punishing them to her maximum ability.

I twisted the cool knob of the door and entered. My heart subconsciously dropped when I saw Kimber hooked up with the two tight spiraled rubber wires going across her chest.

A blood pressure cuff wrapped around her left arm. The computer and portable printer were set up where I was supposed to sit.

"You're late," Vera bit.

I took a seat next to her, "Get over it."

She inwardly sighed, attempting to refrain from a snappy remark.

"Alright Kimberly this should be quick and easy," She began. "Just sit still and answer my questions."

Kimber nodded in obedience.

"How long have you've been at Society?"

"Nine years," Kimber answered. I kept my eyes on the computer screen. Nothing.

"And where were you when the poisoning happened?"

"I was on the third level in the game room."

The results were clean so far and I expected them to stay that way. Kimber was always on top of things and has a strong leadership quality. I leaned my head against my fist, growing bored.

"Where you the one who caused the poisoning? And are you the mole?"

"No ma'am."

Her heart rate sparked.

I picked my head up with wide eyes. But I quickly concealed my reaction with a clearing of my throat.

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