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We were on a roll.

Us rogues were beating Society in this unsaid war. Jett was our intel and we showed up on just about every seemingly pivotal mission Vera needed to go well. I knew she was furious, the imaginary smoke steaming from her ears practically stretched all the way here in France.

I threw a creme colored sweater over my head as I made my way down the hall in Helena's apartment. It was the night we arrived home from yet another interception of a Society mission. We were utterly tired, but in quite the rewarding way.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw Xander, seating himself down at the polished wooden table centered in the middle of the kitchen. Helena then turned around from the counter and placed two plates of food on the table. One before Xander, and one for where I was supposed to sit.

A sweet smile graced my lips at the sight Xander.

He rose from his chair a little to reach over and grab my hand. He kissed it softly, "Come sit."

I followed suit and just as I did so, Helena sat down with her own plate of food. She made roasted chicken with freshly diced, golden brown potatoes. Along with a vibrant pile of green beans.

Xander wasted no time digging into his food and I held back a chuckle. We all ate our dinner in a comfortable silence.

"Helena this is delicious . . . It's been a really long time since I've had a home cooked meal," Xander complimented sincerely.

"Anything for a fellow rogue," She winked.

I smiled at the sweet moment. It was now that I realized how much of a bond we've created with the rogues. Yes, we're all united by our unceasing determination to see Society fall . . . but we've become a family.

"What'd you use on the chicken?" I frowned at the immense flavor bursting in my mouth.

"Ah," Helena laughed as wagged a finger. "That I won't tell."

"Why?" Xander asked. "Come on Hel it's just us."

She laughed, "Pierre and Adrian have already tried and failed that."

We laughed in unison.


Society Headquarters

My chest heaved and heart raced. I stormed back to my bedroom and shut my door closed. This couldn't be happening, it was my worst nightmare coming true. The Rogues suddenly had an upper hand in this war, beating Society. Intercepting missions left and right.

It made my blood boil.

I sat on my bed and pulled at the roots of hair, not even caring at the intense sting. An angered, frustrated scream left my lips. I didn't know what to do. Grey is against me, which deep down I knew would happen. But Xander joined her! After everything I did for that Australian orphan.

I know that a mole is in the facility, leaking mission intel. It's driving me nuts that I can't figure anything out quick enough. Going through another polygraph would be too long of a process. The Rogues would just continue to obliterate everything, unscathed.

That's why I've released the order to shoot on sight during any mission they intercept. I stomped my black heel into floor angrily.

Think V. Think.

Back when Grey was still here, I noticed that she's made quite the friend with Grant. Right from the start I'd knew they'd be close. It's just the type of person Grant is, everyone loves him. Grey's defiant personality probably amused him, and his easy laid back personality probably attracted her.

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