46 | liberated

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mini a/n - playing the song is highly recommended! 😉


Society Headquarters

I was sprawled on the floor in my room, coloring intently in my favorite coloring book. I remember how I could never color in the lines and ended up with all my crayons broken in half. Jett taught me how though, and I've been a pro ever since.

I'm even better than Rey! I miss her, I wonder when she's coming back for me.

A loud boom shook my entire room and a huge gasp passed though my lips. I sat up with worry and fear making my little heart beat faster and faster. I hate that feeling.

I heard yells, shouts and heavy footsteps, so I got up and ran to open my door.

I walked to Vera's office where I'm never allowed to be. Only to see scary big men dressed in all black rushing into the room.

"Hands up!" One of them shouted.

My eyes widened and I began to hyperventilate.

Vera held her hands up and looked nervous as she slowly stood up. More men stepped in on the scene, this time it was a group of the Police!

"What's going o-"

"Shut up Violet!" Vera screamed in irritation. 

"Vera Thorne," One policemen stepped forward with handcuffs.

"You're under arrest for the abduction of all the residents in this facility as well as attempted murder of the President," He grabbed her arms and put them behind her back forcefully, cuffing her wrists.

She shook her head, "No. NO! You don't understand what we do! We're Society, we help reduce the crime!" She objected loudly.

"Save it Thorne," One of the all black dressed men said. "It's over."

Two policemen began to escort her out and Vera still argued, attempting to get out of the men's hold on either of her arms.

"Let me go this instant! Stop, let me explain!"


I heard men outside of my Confinement cell and my brows furrowed. I walked closer the the sturdy metal door, until I heard a slew of gunshots.

The door was kicked open, revealing a few men from the...SWAT Team?

"Oh my god," I breathed.

"You're a free man my friend," One of them signaled me to follow them and I did so, in confusion. When I as out in the narrow hallway, I turned to my right to see Grant walking toward me.

I walked to him and we collided into a tight bro hug, slapping each other's backs loudly. We laughed, amazed at what just happened.

"Let's go outside, there's trucks outside to take all of you back to the city . . . so you could go home," The same man instructed.

Grant and I followed suit and followed him and his few other men. As I walked, I wondered how this was all possible.

Did Grey know?

Is Violet okay?

Once we were out of the Confinement department, I saw everyone in the facility evacuating. Some wearing looks of puzzlement, others with a slight smile and a hopeful countenance. We all made our way to the car garage, where I saw that they had blew the garage door down.

"Is this actually happening?" Grant asked in incredulity.

"I was just wondering the same thing," I responded candidly. It felt like a dream honestly, in just a couple hours I was going to be faced with death.

We all walked outside and I saw the trucks lined up with more of the SWAT Team standing beside them. The sun hung high in the sky, and beamed down, casting it's beautiful rays of light. 

The crowd began to split up, getting into the black trucks with their back doors already opened.

"Alright I'll see you in the city," Grant bid me a farewell and I nodded, searching the crowd.


I spotted her right away at the sound of her adoring shout. She came running to me, weaving through the crowd. I bent down and she ran right into my arms.

"Baby Vi," I closed my eyes breathed with relief, my hand planted on the back of her head. I slightly swayed side to side, euphoric that I'm able to hold my little sister again.

I pulled away, "You ok?"

"Of course I am," She shrugged with a smile. I laughed and stood to my feet. She took hold of my hand.

A man from the SWAT Team walked toward us, "You're Jett right?"

"I am."

"Well....this was all your sister's doing," He told me. My eyes widened.

"She called your Uncle Philip for help. Half the team is in Washington and we were sent here along with the Police to free all of you."

My lips slowly parted, into a full jaw drop. Rey did this.

Of course she had a plan!

"Way to go sis," I mumbled in awe. "So she's in Washington right now? Can I speak to her?"

The man pressed his lips together and cleared her throat.

He shook his head, "I'm sorry but . . . She didn't make it. She was shot by Sanders and died instantly."

I let go of Vi's hand abruptly and she looked up to me with confusion. Tears surged in my eyes and my stomach twisted in knots.

I slowly lowered my body until I was on my knees.

"Jett what's wrong? What did that man say?" Vi asked. I was in a daze, my lips quivered and I cupped a hand over my mouth.

Hot tears streamed down my face.

This isn't real. No. No no no.

"Jett why are you crying?"

I was happy she wasn't paying attention, but I couldn't bare to repeat the news that man just told me.

I hid my face with my hands and my back heaved as I began to weep. Then I felt Violet's arms wrap around me, she placed her head on my shoulder and let me cry.

It was bizarre how I was supposed to lose my life today . . . but I lost my little sister instead. And it stung worse than a bullet wound.


A/N - I actually really felt this one 😭
oh man.

I hoped it was written well! we've got ONE more chapter y'all + the epilogue

Did anyone actually listen to the song as they read? lol

Votes/Comments are much appreciated x

~ kya v.h

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