01 | the abduction

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"Let it go! Let it go!" A mix of Violet's sonorous voice along with Elsa's rang throughout the whole house, making my head pound like a drum.

"Violet. Shut. Up," I over enunciated my words for emphasis. My head propped up against my fist.

I sat on the old army green sofa and watched Violet twirl around the room, signing along to Frozen. Her long brown locks flowed in the air as she twirled whimsically.

"Go head G, take it away!" She relied on me to sing the most recognizable line in the whole song. I was hesitant, but complied. She wasn't going to leave me alone if I didn't.

"The cold never bothered me anyway," I sung in monotone, eventually breaking into a smile. Violet then plopped next to me, watching the screen intently. Like she hasn't seen this movie over twenty times.

I sighed, checking the time on my phone. I'm going to be late for my shift if Jett isn't home soon. I shook my head when I gave thought to what he could be doing.

The subtle message tone to my phone went off. When I looked down, I felt a mix of emotions hit me all once. It almost knocked the breath out of me.

Calvin - hey

Calvin - lets talk yeah?

No. I instantly deleted the message, the unwanted memories starting to flood back. Everything he did to me.

"Is Jett almost home?" Violet's soft voice pulled me out of dark memory lane.

"I don't know Vi," I replied with a shake of my head. "I know he better be here soon if he doesn't wanna catch a beat down," I crossed my arms, earning a giggle from Violet.

It's gets hard living with just the three of us. After Mom and Dad went missing a few years ago, I convinced our grandparents that we didn't need to be under their wings once Jett was old enough to be Violet's legal guardian. At first, it was some what okay. Not dwelling on Mom and Dad's absence.

They disappeared on their business trip. The police closed the investigation after no trace of their presence was found. It was a mystery, and it still is to this very day.

It makes my stomach twist in knots and anxiety weighs down on me just to think that we don't know if they're dead or alive. No reassurance. But we take it one day at a time as a broken family.

I turned my head when I heard the door unlock, and soon Jett entered with earbuds plugged into his ears and two white bags. The hood of his raggedy sweater hanging loosely on his head. Violet sprang up in excitement and ran into his arms.

"Hey Vi," He smiled when he picked her up, setting the bags on the floor. Violet's legs wrapped around his torso. I however, still sat on the couch waiting for their little reunion to be over so I could snap.

"Look! We're watching Frozen!" Violet pointed.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Jett asked.

"Come on let's go and play!" Violet sang with her little arm branched out. As annoyed as I was with Jett, I couldn't help the small smile that tugged on my lips. Jett put her down and that's when I got up from my spot.

"Uh oh," Violet cupped a hand to the side of her mouth. "I think Rey is mad at you," She whispered not so quietly.

"Oh is she now?" Jett bent down to pick up the bags and headed for the kitchen. I followed in tow and slapped him upside the head once we were alone.

"What?!" He played innocent.

"You know what. Where were you?" I crossed my arms. He was hesitant to answer as he put the bags down on the wooden topped island.

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