36 | the message

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I stroked the powder brush on my cheeks in quick static movements with my eyes focused on the little round mirror rested on my desk. I set the brush down and put on my silver teardrop earrings.

The soft classical music in the background soothed and calmed any tensing stress. I took a deep breath and studied my appearance in the mirror, straightening my back confidently.

Today I decided to french braid my hair instead of pinning it up. It was a nice change I must say.

I turned my head and looked at the photo of Willa and I, standing in a frame at the corner of my vanity.

I remember the day we took thee photo, like it was yesterday. It was Willa's wedding day. There we stood gripping each others arms with  wild smiles. If you look closely you could see a single tear in the process of streaming down my face.

I inhaled calmly and got up. On my dresser, I picked up my porcelain flowered tea cup and took a sip. My eyes caught the frames of Grey, Jett and Violet lined up. I averted my gaze to the tv.

"Deidra Sanders was seen in Mexico teaching children to read and write just three days ago . . .," The anchor woman reported. "An-"

My screen began to glitch, I titled my head and pulled my brows together in a frown.

Grey appeared.

My lips parted and I dropped my tea cup, it landed on the ground with a loud clank - tea splattered on the floor.

"People of Society," She began with a growing smirk.

"As you all may know, I've been abducted by Pierre and the rogues," She paused for a bit and I wondered why in the world she was so calm about the matter. "Well you see, I wasn't really abducted. It was all my plan. Because I'm a rogue . . . and I'm not coming back," She laughed teasingly.

"Take a good look around, because Society won't be around for much longer. Trust me, my aunt has been keeping a lot of things from you all. So on that note, have a good day . . . you too Vera."

The screen cut, returning back to the news channel I was watching. I stood in my spot for a few moments, my chest heaved and flaming anger surged through me. I yelled angrily and swept all three frames on my dresser onto the ground.

My door opened to a somber and fearful Violet. 

"What!" I barked.

"Rey isn't coming back?" Tears glistened in her eyes as she clutched her teddy bear.

"Move," I spat, shoving past her little body to my office. I didn't have time to console that child and tell her that everything was going to be sunshine and roses.

Xander stood up at my presence, "What's the new plan?"

"The plan?" I repeated. "THE PLAN?! I'll tell you the plan. Grey is . . . ," My anger was so strong I couldn't even formulate words. I began to pace back and forth with long strides. "She knows about Project X. I know it. She and the rogues are going to use that to take us out. It'll mess up Silver Protocol, everything."

Xander sighed and laid a hand over his mouth, shaking his head.

She betrayed me. When I was the one who saved her from her broken life. When I took her in and made her stronger.

What Willa and Frank created was weak, I was the one who gave Society it's strength. Grey carelessly threw that all away. Now she's going to interfere with Project X. I knew there was only one way that couldn't happen.

I turned my back to Xander with crossed arms and inhaled deeply before saying, "We have to get rid of her."


My eyes almost popped out of my sockets. My lips parted and heart plummeted into my stomach. I opened my mouth to speak but none of my words hit the air. I attempted again, and nothing came out. Because I had to think logically of the way I would react to this.


Vera sat behind her desk, "It's the only way Project X can still take place. If she and all the rogues are dead, the war is over. We win, we always do. I don't care how it's done or how long it takes . . . I want her and the rogues dead."

I tried my very best to bottle up the emotion and control my heartbeat, "You want to kill your own niece."

Maybe if I said it out loud she'd realize how completely insane it was.

Vera opened up her laptop and began typing away, "Project X is going to be the next best thing this country has seen. I can't put that all in jeopardy because of a small team rebels, even if it's my own blood. Sacrifice for the greater good."

Bull. Straight bull.

"I'm making the task force to France smaller. You, Vic, Dom, Kimber," She informed. "Keep this on the down low. When the deed is done, it'll look like an accident or whatever. There will be no ties to me at all."

"We need someone from Medical to go along," I responded.

"Right," She nodded. "I'll send Doctor Carter."

"No," I shook my head. "Send Grant Collins, best in the house."

"Good thinking," She nodded. "Now go, I have plans to revise."

I turned on my heels and headed out.

Between Grey's message and Vera's new plan, it was too surreal. She's a rogue, why didn't I see that coming?

There was only one thing in my mind that was unquestionable, she isn't going to be killed. Not on my watch.

Not when I just tricked Vera into putting two undercover rogues on the task force . . .


A/N - what do you guys think! 😳 Vera wants Grey dead 💀 and Xander . . . what's happening w him? 👀👀

So sorry for my infrequent updates 😭but we're almost at the climax of the story 😱.

we still have a decent amount of the story left, but it's gonna be wild 😝.

Hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Votes/Comments are much appreciated! x

- kya h.

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