30 | revelation

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Sonorous chatter and the delicious billow of today's lunch filled the cafe. At the salad bar, I clamped some of the vibrant green lettuce and put it into my to-go container.

Xander appeared beside me, "Hello Grey."

He put some Cesar salad onto his plate. As he did so, I noticed a metal bracelet around his wrist. I furrowed my brows, it looked oddly familiar. But I couldn't remember where I've seen it before.

I walked around him to the other side of the bar to finish making my salad.

". . . Y'know we can at least say hi to each other," He said lowly.

I dropped the tongs abruptly and stared straight ahead, "No. No we can't."

I snapped on the plastic top to my container, slid it off the little counter and left. I had no desire to be near him let alone make small talk with him. Not when what happened in Canada was still a fresh incident. On the way back to my room, I encountered Jett walking in my direction.

I slowed my pace and he came to a stop as well.


"Hi," I greeted softly.

"I just went to see Vi."

"How is she?"

He smiled, "Still baby Vi."

I breathed a laughed.

"How've been?" He asked me.

"I'm ok," I shrugged.

"Yeah. You're a little too ok," He squinted in suspicion. "You haven't been complaining about this place in a while."

I crossed my arms, "What are you implying?"

"I'm saying that you better not have any tricks up your sleeve, I know how you feel about Society," He dropped his voice into a low tone.

"And if I am?" I challenged.

"Don't put me in that position Rey," He shook his head.

"In what position?" I growled. "To go run and tell our Aunt so she can execute me again? So you can just stand there and watch me almost die."

"Grey why would you even-wait a minute, our aunt?!"

"Yes Jett. Yes Vera is our Aunt. She's Mom's older sister. And guess what? Mom and Dad were actually the ones who created Society, no wonder you love it here so much!" I feigned a cheerful tone.

Jett took a few steps back in awe, he was speechless. In that moment I realized I just threw the biggest twist in his life.

"Come with me," I jerked my head toward my room nearby.

I tapped my card against the grey card reader and the door clicked unlocked. When we entered, I set my salad down and retrieved the CD's Vera gave me in my drawer.

I handed them to him, "These are the videos of Mom and Dad and their journey creating Society. They were Agents . . . that's why they're dead. A mission."

"They're really gone?" He took them into his hands with an intense frown. "This is so crazy."

"Tell me about it," I plopped down onto my bed.

Silence held the room as Jett let the revelation sink into his mind.

He took a seat next to me on my bed and wrapped an arm around me. I knew that he thought Mom and Dad were dead. I was only me who kept the sliver of hope. I was the one who told Vi that Mom and Dad might come back.

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