38 | jay's findings

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I scrunched my face at the prick of the needle as Grant continued to stitch me up. Things escalated quickly on my mission and a bullet went splitting through my flesh. I didn't realize it until I looked down to see a deep red stain on my shirt. The adrenaline had blocked out the pain.

"One more," Grant murmured and I nodded in response.

". . . So have you heard anything about my sister?"

For a few moments he pretended not to hear that question as his eyes were focussed on my wound. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the excess string.

Then he slammed it back on the tray, "Do you even know what she's actually fighting for?"

I was taken aback by his sudden outburst.

"Dude what are you talking about?"

Grant breathed a bitter laugh, "Of course you wouldn't know! You've been at odds with her since the day you got here. And you took Vera's side every-time. A woman we all still barely know."

"That woman is my-"

"No you shut up," He hissed. "I don't care. I don't. Grey is your sister. You're her older brother. Therefore you stand by her. No matter how crazy the situation is. Maybe if you actually listened to her you'd realize we have a bigger problem on our hands than Grey being a problem child."

"What problem?" I frowned.

"That's for you to find out Jett. I'm not spelling it out for you."

I was too stunned to speak.

"You can go," Grant jerked his head toward the door. I put my shirt back on and left with a puzzled expression. What bigger problem? How was I supposed to find that out myself?

Grant's words weighed heavily on my mind and I tried my best to read between the lines. But my mind drew blank every time. It was all so surreal how that happened. So unexpected.

I never imagined chill, laid back Grant with a temper like that. It only made me realize that he felt strongly about whatever Grey is fighting for.

I knew she didn't agree with Society standards, but what exactly drove her to the point of becoming a rogue? Maybe I have been too hard on her.

Guilt settled in my bones, it burned more than my actual wound. My loyalty and her defiance has drawn a wedge between us. It's all my fault.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, I miss my first little sister.

I walked into my room and plopped on my bed with a sigh. I buried my head in my hands.


"I saw something," Grey said vaguely. I knitted my brows in confusion.

"Vera is planning something big for the future and it's dangerous. We can't be here when that happens, I don't want Vi-"

I sighed, "Here we go again. You still wanna leave? After you just became an agent and did all that work. It's almost been three months!"

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