45 | rey

273 30 32

Day of Silver Protocol

Dear Xander,

I know. I know. You're upset at me for leaving. But please understand that I had to do this. You know I can't just there and not do anything. I'm going to Washington to stop the attack, I told you I have a plan in motion. The results could go either way. But it's a risk that I'm willing to take to save my family. And I know you can't relate to that because you don't have any siblings.

But just think about if your parents were still alive . . . you'd do anything to save them. Not only that, but the whole country is at stake. Please let the rest of the team know how grateful I was to have them and that I'm sorry. I really am. But I had to do this. Nothing or no one could've changed my mind. I'm sorry I hurt you too. I hope that you can forgive me because Alexander Morgan . . . I love you.
                                             - Rey

This was my third time reading it over and I still felt intense emotion from it. My hand slightly shook and tears threatened to spring from my eyes.

I folded the letter back up and looked out the window of the plane - on it's way to D.C. I already let the team know that Grey left and they were shocked, however it's what they expected to happen.

I should've known I wouldn't be able to break her stubbornness.

Washington D.C

Dressed in my suit, I walked confidently down the dark grimy, poorly lit tunnel. The interview with the President and Deirdra was supposed to air on live tv in just an hour and a half. I figured that before Deidra shows up, I'd warn the President.

Coming up on my right was an opening that turned out to be a small flight of stairs. Society uses this tunnel to meet up with the President whenever needed. The stair case led to a navy blue wall, with almost a sandpaper feel to it. It was the back of the Presiden't bookcase in his office.

I took a deep breath, and knocked on the back of the bookcase. I heard low muffled voices from the other side.

After a few moments, the bookcase slid open to an unwelcoming faced man. His brown hair was neatly styled and his blue dress shirt made his ocean blue eyes pop.

"What are you doing here?" The President hissed. "I'm busy."

I saw multiple cameramen getting set up in the background, the interview was about to take place soon.

"I see that. But Mr. President, you need to leave now . . . it's not safe," I told him.

He shook his head, "What do you mean? I can't just leave I have a live interview. Now if you excuse me I need to finish getting ready," He went to turn around but I grabbed his arm, hoping he'd see the urgency in my eyes.

"She's going to kill you. You need to go now!" I yell-whispered, my chest began to heave.

"What?" He asked incredulously. "Who?"

Right then, two men dressed in suits escorted her into the office.

"Mr. President," One of them nodded curtly. "Deidra Sanders."

She smiled sweetly on cue and walked over to us. The President put on his sweet face as well and greeted her politely, giving her a firm handshake.

"Very nice to meet you, I look forward to conversing with you."

"'Mr. President I can't tell you how much of an honor it is to be in your presence. It's like this moment isn't even real," Deidra laughed nervously. But I glared at her because her act was transparent as a glass door. I knew she had an ear com that connected her right to Vera.

"Mr. President. You need to leave," I said lowly. He turned to me with a death stare and I threw it right back.

Deidra caught on to the tension, her eyes went from me to the President, "Is there a problem?"

Her fake mousey voice irritated me.

"Everything is fine, just a misunderstanding," He assured. "Are the cameras ready," He called out to the cameramen.

Right then, while the President's attention was focused on their response for the few seconds, Deidra's eyes darkened and she reached from inside her peach blazer. It all happened in a flash of time.

I shoved the President out of the way into the secret tunnel, caught Deidra's wrist the second she took out her gun and positioned it upwards. A couple shots were fired and I jabbed my knee into her stomach and her gun slipped from her hand. Then I threw a right hook to her jaw and she growled in pain.

She had a plastic gun, designed to go undetected by the metal detecters. Courtesy of Society. But I kicked it out of reach like it was the winning goal to a soccer game.

Everyone in the room scrambled in chaos at the scene.

Deidra came for my neck with both her grappling hands and I stumbled back. But I kicked my foot to her hamstring with all my might and smashed my elbow into her tendon so her grip would immediately weaken.

I threw a punch and she struck my face right back where my face was whipped the other way. 

All of a sudden a group of heavily armed men in black uniform, guns in hand - bursted into the room. As well as the White Houses' security.

"SWAT TEAM," One familiar face yelled. "Hands up!"

I smiled at the sight of him.

He reminded me so much of Dad . . . My Uncle Philip. He was the one I called for help. He was my plan. Immediately the men disbursed in the room, containing Deidra. Her hands were forcedly put behind her back and she threw daggers at me.

"Mr. President," One of the men ran into the secret tunnel opening to aid him.

Uncle Philip caught my eye and I breathed a laugh with a bright smile. My plan worked.

He walked to me and I met him in the middle of the Oval Office, right in his tight embrace that I haven't had since I was a kid.

"Thank you."

He pulled from the hug and smiled, "Thanks for giving me a call kiddo. It's been too long."

I turned to see the President emerging from the tunnels, I looked the other direction to see Deidra being contained by two men of the SWAT team by her side.

Her face was emotionless and in that moment . . . I knew I had truly won. Uncle Philip laid a hand on my shoulder and shook it assuringly.

But things took a sharp turn when Deidra unexpectedly elbowed both men in their stomachs, scrambled to fetch the gun I kicked earlier, aimed it at me and made no hesitation to shoot at my stomach.

It all happened too fast for anyone to react.

"NO!" Uncle Philip caught me in his arms and slowly got down on his knees. "Come on baby stay with me stay with me! His voice, calling my name became faint by the second. The commotion around slowed down.

"Rey!" I felt his hand cup my cheek. My eyes were trained at the bright lights on the ceiling. I began to blink slower and slower. As Uncle Philip's voice began to fade, it sounded exactly like Dad's.

It brought one last glimmer of happiness, as my life ebbed away by the second.

Until I blinked my eyes shut, for good.


A/N - *moment of silence*


PLEASE don't be mad 😭 STICK WITH ME bc this story isn't over yet guys.

+ the epilogue!

Votes/Comments are much appreciated x

~ kya v.h

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