47 | legend

220 29 17


My head was propped up against my fist in boredom. My eyes were trained on the small tv in front of me, but my mind was far from focused on the stupid sit-com.

I still had seven hours left on the plane. I wondered what was happening in D.C, what she was doing, what she planned.

My knee jolted up and down in anxiousness. I shook my head with a sigh and looked out the window. The clouds looked as if they were flat, spread across the vibrant blue sky.

I've always loved when the plane would cut though one.

But my attention was averted when I heard that the tv show had been interrupted by an urgent news segment.

I frowned, and saw that it was happening on everyone's tv screen. A woman was standing on front of the White House with a mic held in her hand. I could see a whole crowd of people gathered, grey metal gates blocking them off from passing a certain point.

My heart pounded.

"My name is Megan and I am live outside the White House. An attempted assassination of  President Brooks just took place. I have confirmation that Deidra Sanders is the culprit, but a young woman named Grey Liara, intervened and saved the President."

I breathy laugh escaped me. A radiant smile on my face, "That's my girl."

"Now I know that everyone is dying to  know who this woman is and where she came from.

But unfortunately, an unforeseen occurrence happened and Sanders shot Liara in the stomach and she died on site."

I took my back off the chair and I frowned intensely. My chest heaved and tears stung my eyes. I covered  my mouth and clamped my eyes shut, feeling my hot tears run.

I undid my seat belt hastily , got up and locked myself in the matchbox bathroom. I  placed  my forehead on the door, and pounded my fist against it. Feeling  my pain and sorrow swallow me up, mercilessly.


The streets of Washington were backed up, crowds of people were gathered on the streets. Men dressed in suits, carried her black shiny coffin down the street. There were two men on each side, hands clad in white gloves. Jett, Violet, Grant and I followed in tow somberly.

Amazing Grace was played on the trumpets. It blared through the streets and it made me even more uneasy.

Jett and I wore crisp black suits while Violet wore a black little dress. Her hand was grasped in Jett's as she looked down at the pavement sadly. My hand was stuffed in my pocket and I wore my shades to disguise my watery eyes.

I looked at Grant, who was walking beside me. He gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze with a single nod.

She died a hero.

She became this figure, a beacon of hope because she saved the country. After that point, everything came into light. Society members stepped forward and told their story. Kimber was even interviewed and gave insight on what it was like to be apart of Society.

It came as a shock to the people, since Society has been under wraps for so long. If I looked out into the crowded sidewalks, I could spot some former Society Agents.

I spotted Helena, with a tissue clutched in her hand - standing with the rest of the rogues.I also saw Deeliah, behind her stood Skywalker and Jack. We were all here for her.

For the brave woman who saved us, freed us.

For the beautiful, insatiable, passionate woman who I fell in love with.

Moments between us flashed in my head. From the bad ones, to the moments where I'd catch her smile, or hear her contagious laugh.

Dreams of a future with her were now shattered. I had to figure out how to live my life without her.

But I knew that I had to be okay, to be strong, for her sake. Violet took hold of my hand and looked up at me with her saddened face, a tear rolling down her cheek. I squeezed her hand.

We all had to be okay.


A/N - guys I listened to My Heart Will Go On like 7 times to put emotion into this chapter lol.

So I hope it was good 😭🙏🏽

I added a chapter, which will be the official last chapter. there's gonna be a time jump btw

aaand then we have the epilogue 😭.

Votes/Comments are much appreciated! x

- kya v.h

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