Behind Closed Doors

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Unfortunately, the next few days go by the same as our final hoorah of 1991, though I didn't find myself to be the person hungover the next morning.

While River was busy overflowing our apartment with whomever was loitering the streets that night, I was mentally counting down the days until I would have to attend college.

Part of me was excited; mainly to have my own life and get used to being a normal person.

On the other hand, I was dreading the immense stress that I knew would be tossed on my shoulders.


I awake on Janurary 11th to a knock on the door; I can tell by whoever is knocking that they have been waiting a while.

Being that the room was empty it seemed clear to me that River has left once again, likely attending another meeting for a movie of his that was soon to start filming.

I slowly open the door to see Iris and a tall man with brown hair.

My mind blanks.

"Hello." I say, though it comes off as more of a confused tone.

"Is River here?" Iris asks, peering behind me.

"No." I say. "He left."

My eyes examine the man besides her as he smiles.

"Phil Robinson." He introduces, extending his hand for me to shake it. "I'm the director for Sneakers."

My confusion skyrockets as I motion for them to come in, closing the door behind them and watching as they sit on the couch.

The apartment is still filthy from River's gathering the night before.

"Sorry about the mess." I say awkwardly.

Phil shakes his head and smiles lightly.

"No problem at all."

He seems nice, but for some reason I'm not buying it.

I look at Iris to see that she's already looking at me.

"Where is River?" She asks me again.

"I don't know where he is. He was gone when I got up." I say.

"When did you get up?" She wonders.

"Right now." I answer. "You woke me up."

The room falls silent for a second, and I'm about to ask her why she's in Florida until Phil speaks up.

"Hm," Phil mumbles. "I thought he would be here for sure. He must be feeling better if he's out so early in the morning."

Iris rolls her eyes though I can't seem to do anything but narrow mine.

"What do you mean?" I wonder.

Phil and I look at each other in a moment of interest; he seems to be just as confused as I am.

"He's been cancelling all of our meetings the past 3 weeks." Phil answers, as if it should be obvious to me. "He keeps saying he's sick, then getting better, then worse again."

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