Chapter 1:Darkness Beckons

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In the alternate universe of sudden, in the striven and struggling side of Zahnrad. The idea began after the founding of Zahnrad through heavy acts of criminal intentions. Murders, thieves, and scoundrels. Upon the Pareto Committee lies in the grand throne room the might of the iron fist, Chairwoman Malgorzata Sestra. With Talia Farrah by her side surrounded by great bulky simuloid turngears behind them guarding, they remained all high and mighty as outside view of Zahnrad, many of the people were arrested for resisting the government's orders. Many whom flee once caught were arrested only to be sentenced to death, those who tried to flee were arrested and imprisoned.

The Cog Jammers within the cities rebelled bravely as some killed the police and those trying to stop them. It's 50-50 of success to imminent failure as the gendarmes arrested the protesters, having the media branding them as domestic terrorists.

In Zubets the capital city of Zahnrad Nation, sprawling dystopian metropolis made primarily out of concrete where turngear sentries are overlooking the crowds. With very strict orders around, many of the populace lived in poor homes, as those are in poverty. Separated by loyal Zahnrad who served gratefully to the government are awarded to being wealthy. Living in rich homes with food to spare and a great job to support their family.

Around the rural area on the fields walking the trail-roads. A human person wearing leather outfit in black with a solid armor hidden within his attire, walking just walking. Bypassing through occasional transporting wagon cargos as they ignored him. After 30 long meters of walking by foot, he came across multiple plantation. Seeing a large house follow by other small houses few meters apart in a secluded area.

The young human guy made his way to the gate entrance to that big house. Upon arrival he saw a noble tishli maiden doing lawn worker and gardening. The guy watching began to draw out his great axe-two-handed axe, dark shadow-red color with a skull embedded near the blade. He tried to swing his axe very hard attempting to pry the gate open or in fact force his way in by destroying the entrance. One large swing of his great axe and it made a loud metallic noise enough to startle the innocent working tishli, but failed to force open the gate.

The tishli didn't looked all that scared, despite that the man tried to force his way in...

"W-what are you doing? What do you want?" The tishli asked.

The guy ignored her question and tried to swing his axe again. Another full hard swing with extra effort and success, he demolished the gate entrance away, knocking it to the ground which terrified the tishli.

"Wh-what do you w-want? Why are you coming in here acting all so freaky?" The tishli wondered as her body shook with dread.

He turned to look at the horrified tishli with an unfriendly facial expression and a grim look. Giving her a death gaze...

"Why don't you join me and come work for me?" He said, with a creepy aggressive voice.

"I-I can't, my master said it is selfish for me to join with another guy." The tishli replied, stuttered.

"Who is this master of yours, where is he I would like to meet him."

"H-he would k-kill me if I tell you his location, it's also selfish to give away location." The tishli remained dreaded as her body still shook.

He slammed his axe hard to the ground just to terrorized the elf girl more, follow by slashing away the shrubberies. Which successfully made the girl to give away the location.

"Wait wait, okay okay just don't hurt me! I'll give you where my master is at. He is in that room about second floor. He is holding more of my people in there, he has a wife. He is wealthy and owned this particular plantation as his property." The tishli said.

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