Chapter 38:Dark Blood Assault

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Respite passed, early dawn before clear sunrise, Darkwing alone in a meeting with the rest of the affiliating leaders. They remarked about the information given by three of the baihus as they are training by the Darkened Regime elites. The four nodded and exchanged words among each other while drinking alcohol...

"These traitorous baihus that came from the West of Aerisgen to deliver this documents? Man, what a hero those beasts did. It was cool!" Blackwing said, cheerfully.

Shadowwing nodded.

"Yeah, those baihus who called themselves Dreago, Graggo, and Sabrazig have given this info to me. Darkwis, Darkwise, and Darkintel read it through. The West are gathering that unusual material something dietony. I don't know how to say that word." Darkwing responded.

Shadowwing just glared and read the classified information while paying attention to the conversation.

Deathwing laughed. "The Allies of Aerisgen of all unified nations are working together to harvest Dytonics. That new found material thst can fuel as necessities for machines and thrumbines. Energy source. The whole location also contains a large pond to the east side. Not just that the foolish West are occupying that terroritory for their desperate move to heal their economic crisis. After the counterfeit scandal and all the war caused to them. They are reinforcing the land very well from us."

Blackwing shot off a grimace attitude, spreading out his arms as if he would argue... "Those white-ass niggas glutton to decrease those blings down that bad. I don't give a fuck to those white pricks."

Darkwing nodded. "They don't pose a threat to us. All they would do is gather stuff and make money to fix their own fucking debt problems."

Shadowwing turned to look at Deathwing knowing he will speak after Darkwing.

"Ahem, ahem boys. You two don't understand that the West would not only to use the Dytonics to make huge profits out of them. But it would bolsters their military morale strengths..."

Deathwing paused and crack his neck sideways, his back, and knuckles popping every bones and fibers then sighs before continuing his speech...

"You see the Allies are working their butts off over there. That place will supply them with sufficient resources to power their military. Come on you two, they are going to construct even more powerful kinds of turngears and mechas. The Dytonics are the main essential ingredients to make nuclear weapons. We have the module to make nuclear weapons if we just harvest those Dytonics. Then Aerisgen will be all but lore."

Darkwing and Blackwing both looked up feeling hopeful. Looking ecstatic at the idea of nuclear weapons...

"Nuclear weapons?" Blackwing wondered, curiously.

"Uh-huh indeed. Nuclear atomic destructive devastating weapons comprise of atoms. Chemicals and toxic compounds that formed into an ultra charge which explodes monstrously, eradicating a large area- even completely smite a city to ashes. It is the most powerful charge that mankind forbids." Deathwing replied, smiling evilly.

"We have all the weapons we got, but can't hurt to obtain that kind of bombs to annilihate the West." Darkwing said.

Shadowwing nodded.

"If we don't intercept those pricks, they will be the first to ever develop the nukes and all the advanced charges against us. And evil will no longer prevail us the future we hold." Deathwing restated.

Once the meeting has concluded, the terrorist leaders returned back and gave their speeches to their factions, preparing to invade that location...

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