Chapter 15:At Shadow's End

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Still late at night Shadowwing and his largest armies of the Shadow Regime continued to advance to the North. Meantime Shaka Senzang alongside Supreme Elite General Balchenkov along with the Ayaziwan Anschluss and Zahnrad officials continued to rally up the rest of the survivors. Rushing their way to quicken the pace...

"Hurry-hurry let's go, get moving!" Sanduu said.

"Make haste, this place is haunted and we are cursed to our doom!" Kimmy feared.

"Let's go chop chop chop! Don't waste time!" Gunnery Sergeant Oborukova said.

"We have to move the ships are at the southeast side of the inland." Supreme Elite General Balchenkov said.

"We can't afford to lose more than we have already lost! We have to go!" Shaka Senzang said.

Once they got every supplies, the rest of the remaining survivors in Zuvesda rushed to the front gate only to be confronted by large massive crowds of the assassin looking people- Shadowwing and his Shadow Regime cultists. They crossed path face-to-face, Shaka and Balchenkov both toughened up as they assumed they are the one behind all the atrocities of both Raaisel and Zuvesda...

"So I am going to assume that it was you and your entire squads did all this. Is that right?" Shaka questioned.

"It's very sudden you creepy looking thugs to just show up at odd times." Supreme Elite General Balchenkov said.

Shadowwing nodded as he gestured to them. Both Shaka and Supreme Elite General Balchenkov don't understand what he is saying.

"I don't get what you are doing, but it looked like you are intimidating us with your body-threats." Shaka said.

Balchenkov just analyzing the cultists.

Shadowwis and Shadowwise stepped out having to the middle between the allies and their own forces with a letter.

Curious to the allies as they remained cautious about them. Shadowwis unveiled the letter which stated that they are responsible for the whole tragedy of both Raaisel and now Zuvesda. And they want to take the fight in the fields.

"Ahhhh I see now, I assumed again that you thugs don't talk verbally, but of course we will take the fight elsewhere as you requested." Shaka Senzang said.

"Grrrrr for a request for a large creepy cloaked mute groups of thugs, I sure hate that." Supreme Elite General Balchenkov reacted with a growl.

They all made it to the large opening area. Then with their melee blades they all began their clashes. Steel on steel. Shadowwing using his dual shadowy energy swords that came out from the wrists, he handles fighting both Shaka and Balchenkov.

General Recckashal clashed and slashed Shadowkahn, Shadoww, Shadowstrike, Shadowfear, and Shadowwimp. All slain in halves as they turn into shadows and poofed away, which was an afterimage as they all go for him from the air. He immediately saw that coming and evaded all of their attacks.

Colonel Chamon and Lieutenant Issachev both fought Shadowknight, Shadownine, Shadowwit, and Shadowblight. Blocking, parrying, and dodging their strikes.

  Captain Donsvik, Gunnery Sergeant Oborukova, Commander Sheenatov, and Airmen Shakiborchov all tried to rallied their soldiers and fired upon Shadowspirit, Shadowsprite, Shadowfair, Shadowwine, Shadowride, Shadowspook, and Shadowfan. 

Sanduu, Kimmy, Walshvik, and Seante all fought the shadow soldiers including dealing with their shadow commanding officers.

The clashing rages on through the battlefield, the Anschluss and Zahnrad troops maintained some distance using their equalizers to fire upon the shadow soldiers, but they evaded very easily.

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