Chapter 3:A Devil's Chair

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Next morning after a big cruel bloody event that left the state into a quicken degrading decline, Darkwing and rest of his party enjoyed breakfast. All chattering as they boasted about their cold-blooded accomplishments. Drinking 3-6 shots of heavy whiskey from the terrorist grunts stolen more food, drinks, and useful materials yesterday in the middle of the darkened night. Almost all of the gang smoked either cigarettes, cigars, or weed as some smoked multiple at once.

Just as they laughed, drank, smoked, and collaborated they all heard series of loud crashing thuds near the safehouse. Darkwis, Darkwise, DM,DQ, Darkintel, Darkbond, Darkcrystal, Darkritz, Darkhunter, and Darkweep all noticed through surveillance of the turngear sentries, fallen sudden satellizers dented the ground...

"What the hell is that?" Darkwind asked

"Are we being bombed?!" Darksuna feared.

"We be dead if that happened, babe." Darksword stated.

Darkwing came up to Darkwis just as they head to the dining area...

"Wis-wis Darkwis, Darkwise, Darkbond yo-yo what the fook are that poundin' noises?!" Darkwing wondered.

"Satellizers swiftly landed on the ground around our base. Enter with cautious this could be a trap." Darkwis said.

"Wh-what?! SATELLIZERS?! BY WHO?!" Darkwing suddenly got aggressive.

"Remain calm, Master Darkwing nothing worse have occurred." Darkwis assured, calming Darkwing down as he sighed and pulled out another cigarette and smoked. After he exhaled large amount of smoke...

"Let's head and check, come on guys prepare for any ambushes and unexpected battles this may be a fuckin' trap!" Darkwing said, whipping out his great two-handed axe.

They all head outside of the safehouse to examined the fallen smoky satellizers, maintaining a full 360 degree security on each of the elite's blind-spots. Darkwis gestured DQ to send out a simuloid turngear to pull every of the satellizers out of the small made ditch.

Once piled, DQ ordered the simuloid to program all of the satellizers. All of them made buzzy noises along with medium noise of static followed by few voices intimidating the Darkened Regime.

"You of all foolish people are insignificant!"

"This art of terrorism shall not be condone, banish to the realms of hell demons!"

"You caused great harm to the socialist populace of Zahnrad, you aren't even human at all, perhaps beyond man."

"You killed my father, mother, sister, brother, you took away my loved ones! You devil-satans shall perish!"

"You have threatened the city for your own pathetic greedy gains, have you no shame within yourselves?!"

Then that one particular female voice as Darkwing and his group all been hearing every insults received...

"Darkwing, Darkwing I assumed you be surprised when I am well-aware of your name. I am Chairwoman Malgozata Sestra the one who rule all of Zahnrad. You have resilient aggression I see. Getting away from the authorities as you went on series of rampage murdering the innocent lives of others and same time helping us rid of the pesky Cogs and Qar's. Marvelous work, Darkwing I am very impressed. Now straight to the point, meet me at the large plaza in central area of Zubets. And I promise you that I'll give you what you yearned so much. Good terrorizing, duckwing."

Then the built-in trinklet shuts down just as Darkwing got very offended being addressed as Duckwing, demolishing all of the smoking satellizers to pieces as he screamed very violently. After screaming aggressively and violently smashing all the robots into tiny bits, Darkwing along with the whole representing Darkened Regime elites made their way to the plaza. Arriving without hindrance they meet the government, Chairwoman Malgorzata Sestra and the Pareto Committee. All standing there looking grim-serious and not pleased as Darkwing and his large scale terrorist regime defiantly walked up forward, stopping at an equilibrium maintaining distance on both sides. Of course every of security are present surrounding Sestra and the government as they all cocked and pointed their equalizers at the whole entire Darkened Regime...

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