Chapter 40:Rise of Darkmerica

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Respite later, the sun rises up shining its grim morning on Zahnrad waking Darkwing and Darkmistress up from the palace. Yawning for a minute as he mumbled to himself, Darkwing noticed a letter on the wardrobe few inches from him.

As Darkmistress dressed up, he got off the bed and got dressed before examining the letter. He peeled off the envelope and read the paper which is from Blackwing. It stated that after the long night has passed by, the reconstruction of Aerisgen is complete. Being asked to give it a name and to declare the new land under the Bullying Revolution Deficiency, Darkwing immediately groomed up and made his way over to meet with Blackwing in Mamlakat.

Traveling within the thrumbine through the streets from Zubets about 50 meters, he reached his destination. He hopped out of the vehicle as it took off, rushing to Blackwing's wealthy corporate office...

"Lord Darkwing, very good to see you after the big nuclear warzone of the West. I bet you've read the black letter I sent to your palace late night yesterday." Blackwing greeted, smiling.

"Yeah, I read it. I was going to wonder when the new life over there is completed. I am impatient to see the new world over at the West." Darkwing replied.

"Hehehehe, Blackwis and his smart-ass team reported to me that the whole land is filled with cities and streets under our new orders. So yeah, it's done and ready to be given a name for the whole continent."

Darkwing smiled.

Later in the afternoon, as the whole Darkened Regime crowds gathered at the largest rally near the palace in the capital of Zubets. Standing by the podium one platform under are the commanders and next to the podium on the left is Darkmistress. The right is Darkpurge and Darkhand. Every of the darkened soldiers and Darkzis with Chancellor-Chief Darkhitler and his entire family gathered around while providing heavy aggressive security.

All with their source of technology out, the crowds cheered as Darkwing appeared on the stage toward the readied podium about to state his public speech of the nuclear aftermath...

"Greetings Darkened Regime and to all that have come back from the night before. Regardin' the ultimate destruction of the West, we have achieved great-great ultimate victory for the evil and the terror. We proudly can say that the foolish weakling allies are no more as they have been cleaned well by the ongoing nuclear barrage- no one should have survived, if so they are finished off at a heartbeat. NO MERCY, REMEMBER! We will not lose nor surrender to the fools. The evil shall prevail and all crimes shall soar!"

Darkwing paused for a moment as the crowds cheered and applauded for Darkwing. Hearing compliments on the side as he continues on...

"To this day forward, the new seed of evil shall grow. This black seed of evil will define the new world of terror, indeed terror. The hate and the plague of darkness that fills this shameful world will be the future of mankind. Which comes down to more killing, more raping, more lies, more scandals, more corruptions, more prostitutions, and more theft. There ain't goin' to be any allied resistance nor good in this. But evil and mass slaughtering of innocence and children! On behalf of Blackwing in Mamlakat, there will be no white people or any resisting colorful people that dare challenge us! We stand for terror and before those pricks! Nothing will ever stop us from achieving our ultimate goals! As we have proven to the West that we ain't quittin, they have received their ultimate demise of their own medicines. The nuclear atomic bombs that shamed them to their deep core graves to nonexistence! That's right, peeps, we stand victorious!

Now to the second part of our boast and pride of our victory, after the letter from my homie, I have learned that Aerisgen has been rebuilt under our whole united dominance. Today, everyone shall have a second new world to spread that black seed. And to continue spreading evil throughout the universe. This is our world, everyone! And no man alive will take it away! That concludes the speech!" Darkwing boldly announced to the cheering crowds.

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