Chapter 30:Shadowwing Speak!

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Late night, everyone returned back and rested before the next day. Ayaziwa Shadowwing and his group of elites of the Shadow Regime all rested through the dusk. Meditating in the shadow chamber of the void. Shadowwis and Shadowwise both stayed up through the night planning through by memory. Outside on the field, 10 large formatted ranks of shadowsoldiers, shadowmarines, and shadowrangers along with Shadow Phantoms were sent to gather intelligence regarding the West.

Respite past, next morning Shadowwing made his way to the gathering room and gave out his nonverbal communities speech using his hand sign language. Moving his hands and arms around, motioning and gesturing to his focused elites regarding the West. Translating that they have no plotted any counteroffensive since the International Striking Individual Sweeping Satellite Cannon have annihilated away the threats, keeping them in check from invasion.

Several of the elites nodded before applauding. Shadowwing folded his arms as he maintained still and neutral behind the attire that hid his mouth and nose.

Shadowhedge and Shadoww both motioned their arms around informing about Blackwing launching more intense blackmailing and threatening messages to intimidate the West.

Shadowslur gestured on Deathwing's desire to reanimate the fallen allies. Shadowdark flail his arms about Blackwing contining on printing false counterfeit money to his likings. Giving away free cash to his people in Mamlakat.

Shadowbon, Shadowcanny, and Shadowwitch motioned to Shadowwing on Darkwing's ambition on strictly sending more naval ships to defend Zahnrad from more attacks from the West.

Shadowwing nodded and placed out his arms to his elites and replied silently back in translation that concludes the meeting, dismissed. Then Shadowwing walked away exiting the room.

During the cloudy afternoon, Shadowwing flying undetected through the clouds he makes his trip to Zahnrad.

Meeting with Darkwing as he simply hang out at the park where Darkk, Darklust, Darkness, and Darkdread trains with their firearms...

"Shadowwing, yo buddy how are you doing?" Darkwing said with an evil smile.

Shadowwing still wearing that dark purple-pink assassin's cloak attire with the underhood that hides his mouth and nose that only his eyes are showing and visible. He nodded few times and gave Darkwing a thumbs up gesture. He motioned to him making hand gestures as Darkwing observed his hands closely as he is very utterly confused on what he is trying to say by his sign language...

"Uh-huh, uh-huh right, right, and right. I think that you are saying that you want something to eat plus a drink." Darkwing responded confusingly.

Shadowwing shook his head confidentually. He gestured out again as Darkwing scratched his head in disbelief...

"Uhm you want to go somewhere and get a coffee or something, I bet."

Again, Shadowwing shook his head to Darkwing's guessing charades. He kept on making hand signs as Darkwing gritted his teeth in frustration...

"I don't understand what you are trying to say, Shadowwing. With your hand motions moving around and all that quiet talk of yours. It bothers me." Darkwing responded.

Shadowwing looked down with a sorrow depressed look. Darkwing looked at Shadowwing with a dismay expression on his face.

"Hey Shadowwing, Darkhitler and his family are hosting a lunch potluck party at the federal public reserve center, I hereby invited you to come if you want." Darkwing stated, with a friendly smile.

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