Chapter 13:Cursed of Panicking Hysteria

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Respite passed later, the rest of the Shadow Regime members began training deep underground into the depth of the shadowy abyss. Commander Shadowadye, Shadowadale, Shadowastorm, Shadowastride, Shadowastream, and Shadowapuff raising their arms with different hand signs to rally their armies of shadowsoldiers, shadowmarines, shadowmaruaders, and shadowzealots. Firing their silenced equalizer to precise melee strikes along with hand-to-hand combats.

Through the day on the peak on the mountain, Shadowwing with Shadowbrass, Shadowsky, Shadowbird, and Shadowstrike all overwatched the city of Raaisel. Seeing the near-like ghost town the rest of the guards have the whole place under lockdown. Only with several remains of the citizens still lived there.

Meantime over to Shadowwis, Shadowwise, Shadowritz, Shadowcrystal, Shadowgold, Shadowcopper, and Shadowbronze traveling high within the clouds flying they detected large camps assuming most of the fled remaining civilians of the Raaisel City. Continuing to fly through the air, they spotted about 30 large amount of refugee camps between the fields of the terrain. Followed by several more traveling convoys entering into one of the camps. After 80 meters of traveling north, Shadowwis and his intel search stealth crew they spotted 2 isolated military bases belonging to Zahnrad's. Then they began to spotlight the northern city, Zuvesda.

Shadowwis and Shadowwise both turned on their eagle eyes to highlight the vast areas. Seeing lots of red enemy indicated Zahnrad soldiers including the building all red for the military bases. Then the purple arrow marking indicated that lead straight to Zuvesda City indicated as a yellow key objective mark. Shutting off the eagle eyes, the intel team returned back to the hidden cavern.

Time passed later around evening in the hidden cavern, in the meeting room the Shadow Regime all paid attention to Shadowwis and Shadowwise's non-verbal speech as they sign-language translating that they spotted over 30 large refugee camps around the fields, 2 isolated Zahnrad military bases, and the arrow that foretell to invade Zuvesda City. Shadowwise motioned his hands around saying that more Shadow Phantom simuloid turngears have been made. Shadowwis chimed that the Shadow Phantom not only have self-destruct built-in it have upgraded with smokescreen that explodes shadow clouds of smoke that fogs the area about 10x10. Plus with higher fire rate of the radiant lances. Then both Shadowwis and Shadowwise gave their thumbs-up and bowed before leaving to their left and disappeared into the darkness shadows.

Shadoww raised his hand up as Shadowwing stepped forward a meter and nodded up to Shadow gesturing to state. He performed his hand signs regarding the plans for assassination, another raid of the 30 large camps? And the Zahnrad isolated military bases.

Shadowwing tilted his head undecided as he placed his finger near his mask-covered mouth and nose to think for a bit. He then came up with an idea as he body-motioned to his regimes that 15 shall be completely eradicated and other 15 shall be tormented with markings. Leaving the 2 isolated military bases of Zahnrad to Commander Shadowadye and Shadowadale with their large massive armies to overpower.

Shadoww gave double thumbs-up and nodded. Shadowstrike raised his hands and made several sign languages saying he would love to volunteer within the assault or raid of the 15 camp eradication.

Shadowwing nodded and responded moving his hands around saying he accepted his terms. Shadowstrike raised his arms with a smiling expression on his eyes as he is excited.

Shadowwing concluded the meeting with a professional formal bow as the meeting is dismissed.

Shadowwing head to the spiritual room to look at all the scary -looking artifacts of the fallen empire's gathered possessions. He sat down to meditate putting the dark-purple cloth blindfolding his eyes shut. Calm and cool as ice, Shadowwing entered into a trance state. Began entering back to the past through sightseeing regarding the Focregat Empire dated back 4,000 years ago. Seeing the civil war before his eyes broke out with all the bloodshed, yelling, and carnage. Through the dense violence of the past, Shadowwing recalled that temple located near the edge of the land. 180 meters from the cavern to the north. Remembering where all the dead were mummified and buried in tombs as legends were heard of possible traps lies within the temple. Shadowwing snapped back to reality once he spotted the old temple through his mental sightseeing.

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