Chapter 9:The Great Depression!!!

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Through evening as both Darkwing and Blackwing wit their largest majority of the regimes marching through the streets. Giving a large amount of lull later, they finally arrived to the meeting destination of the southern side of Zubets. In the desolated fields, both Darkwing and Blackwing faced each other as they walked up close. They both smiled and gave each other bro hugs follow by series of fist-bumps, fists-five, and a gangster up-down fist-shakes...

"Kenny Paulson aka Darkwing isn't it, bro. Very good to see ya bro-homie. How is you?" Blackwing asked, smiling.

"Benjamin Jackson the BJ-bling bro who loves nigga-black colors. Also nicknamed as Blackwing with these black colored letters, huh?" Darkwing responded, flashing him that particular black envelope.

Blackwing worn that surprised expression then with a pleasant smile on his face...

"Ohhhhh-yeah right now I remember bro, I spent all of my augs sendin' that large sack of letters to ya usin' the robot thingy. I remember now. ugh dammit all these times in Mamlakat me and my nigga-gangs all took out all those whites. Lousy rich white eggs and hoochies, I am gonna need some help from you, bro Darkwing. I really need yo help, bro!" Blackwing begged.

Darkwing examined the black letter closely, reading what it says:

"Dear rebels from Zubets, whether yo strong or not, I requestin' back-ups. I fuckin' pray that it ain't those dictator white-heads hoochie-mama. I need money to survive, I need food, government aids, and a home to sleep. I missed mah home since the white-ass government have taken it all away from meh. Please help! God bless!" ~ Sincerely Blackwing.

"Well we are hear at the meeting point of this retarded fuckin' city, bro nigga-Blackwing. So let's be partners and fuck shit up!" Darkwing said, smiling evilly.

Blackwing returned back with a smile as the two gave a fist-fives, hand shakes, and up-down fist bumps.

Darkpurge, Darkhand, Darkcard, Darkknight, Darkgame, Darkgamer, Darkcry, Darkk, Darkened, Darklush, Darklash, and Darkfaze smiled as Blackk, Blackwall, Blackstreet, Blackscroll, Blackbond, and Blackmay all smiled in return.

Lull later, altogether as a combined armada of the Darkened and Blackened Regime forces, they all head back to the poor divisions. Over there they repaired their armors, weapons, and geared themselves up to the teeth. Putting up maximum offenses as possible. Both Darkwing and Blackwing's forces constructed demonic-blackend tanks mixture of dark-red, full black, and little in between. They also made catapults, ballistas, and advanced steam rammers. They brandished more weapons as employees continued to surge large increase throughout both the poor and middle divisions of Mamlakat City. They built more combat-oriented robots, armored and armed combat thrumbines. They also developed largest amount arsenal full of manipulated-radicalized concoctions in varying shapes and sizes.

Altogether they are ready, the terrorists altogether then rested just as the entire slaves kept on working their butts off producing armed weapons for them ongoing.

While the rest of the experienced terrorists of both clans are asleep, over 990,000 of both darkened and blackened soldiers swept through both the poor divisions and middle divisions area immediately radicalizing every more innocent bystanders, some hiding within buildings. Turning them under the terrorist's rules.

Darkhit and Darkhitter both patrolled the poor streets, with scientists including Darkkiri who stood active constructed 10 Service Matrix. They have constructed more military barracks, research facilities, and large arsenal vaults for armor and weapons to be stored safely. They also built armored supply storage to hide precious valuable resources.

Over to Darkhitler and Darkhitress both overwatching the whole streets, with squads of scientist they built 50 Service Matrix over the city. They arrested and burned 13 white baihus dead. The Darkzis committed 30 arson after looting wealthy-looking constructions as the rest of them sent 150 of the whites to concentration camps wearing a gag and are leashed.

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