Chapter 22:Fear of Terroracracy

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Respite passed, morning early within the cloudy skies. Darkwing, Blackwing, Shadowwing, and Deathwing immediately arrived in the intelligence command center of an iron militarized fortress in Zubets capital. After sighting largely identified fleet of naval ships and airships heading for Zahnrad. They also sent more on course to Ayaziwa and Zhengqi. Reading through indistinctive chattering from varying reconnaissance team from the dark soldiers, black soldiers, and through surveillance from the flying satellizers made by the Darkened and Blackened Regime factions- they learned that there are over close to mid five thousand of them by sea and air. They have developed several man-made iron platform serving as land based...

"We have called you all leaders that the identified forces are the Aeneam forces coming from the west of Aerisgen. Large fleet of naval ships and airships all moving towards Soshu. We have Intel from our patrolling units of both soldiers of the Darkened and Blackened Regime yesterday late at night of their motivations." Darkwis said.

Alongside are Darkwise, Blackwis, Blackwise, Shadowwis, Shadowwise, Deathwis, and Deathwise.

With a large amount of darkened operators and blackened operators with several varying dark and black soldiers moving around, Deathwing moved up to view the map. Shadowwing placed out the compass near the map as Deathwing used it along with a feather pen to draw out their forces...

"I predicted that they will strike, those bloody fucking Allied of the West. They must have noticed that many of their loved ones failed to return after many weeks went by." Deathwing said, drawing out the enemies on the map.

"They want war, oh I see. We should kick their asses!" Darkwing blurted out, clenching his fists.

"Motherfuckers, they want to pick fights with us all? I bet Aerisgen thugs are full of shitty white people! I hate white people!" Blackwing said in disgust.

Shadowwing remained quiet and calm.

Deathwing still continued drawing out the allied predictions of movement.

Darkwis, Darkwise, Blackwis, Blackwise, Shadowwis, Shadowwise, Deathwis, and Deathwise all sent out military orders around the neighboring terrorist allies to prepare for war.

"So what is your strategy, Doc? Huh? What do you have in mind?" Blackwing asked.

By then Deathwing finished drawing.

"There we go. So here is how I predicting the allies will make their move. They are going to surround the whole land both Zhengqi and Zahnrad. Using their naval forces to corner the whole inland, then use aerial supremacy to carpet bomb us hard. Same deal for Ayaziwa. While they are carpet bombing us hard, the naval fleets are going to try to land down their soldiers on foot, stepping foot on land beginning their siege. This is a question of counterattacking out of fear." Deathwing said.

"Dude that sounds close to being true, Doc." Blackwing said.

"It may be true, but I have studied some military patterns within university before studying more into science courses." Deathwing replied.

Shadowwing flailed his arms around, gesturing various hand-signs.

"What is Shadowwing saying? With all those hands movin' around." Blackwing wondered.

"Shadowwing is saying that they may launch guerrilla warfare or technical warfare using turngears and another mechanical method of combat." Deathwing said.

Shadowwing nodded in agreement.

"Doesn't matter, we can whoop their jackass hard! I did it with Zahnrad's retarded military, now we can do it again with Aerisgen freaks. They are simply trying to fucking terrorize us all!!! Fucking terrorist pricks!" Darkwing said, angrily.

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