Chapter 2:Terror Revolution!

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Throughout the late darkest hours after some discussion on what to do, the rest of the now formed organized name known as the Darkened Regime or Dark Regime all rest for the night as it passed by. Meantime sending out recon team of 100 terrorist mooks to scout through Zubets. Secretly robbing majority of the weapon supplies, food, and any materials needed as they evade the 24/7 patrolling turngear sentries.

Respite later, all of the Darkened Regime led by Darkwing himself all gathered at the main area once they have eaten breakfast and are ready to commit atrocities...

"Listen up all fighters! This is what we are going to do... First off we are going to need to stir up some unrest within the cities. Darkpurge, Darkmassacre, Darkchain, Darkchainsaw, Darkgrief, and Darkterror you all shall be armed to the teeth as you squads will go out and commit as many murders you can kill, no mercy.

Darkhand, Darkarms, Darkdeck, Darktopple, Darkbomber, Darkplosion, and Darktimer you all will set off charges in any cities- probably biggest fancy cities.

Darkgame, Darkgamer, Darkvideo, Darkphoto, Darkborg, Darkcraft, and Darkmaterial you guys will construct those robot thingy-majjig use those to help Darkpurge's squad on resisting the cops.

Everyone else we are going to target the auto-mechanic shops, research facilities, and banks. Should our goal be getting the government's attention? I assume so as they be expecting trouble from us. But we got bigger guns and we carry the big stick- it's made out of steel. So let's get moving!" Darkwing announced as he raised his great axe one-handed high.

"ALL HAIL LORD DARKWING, KING OF DARKNESS!" They cheered and praised.

"But sir my lord, Darkwing. What if we crossed path with Cog Jammers, Qar's Calling, Embers of Liberty, and Nacht Down? How are we going to deal with them?" Darkwis wondered.

"If you've said most of those gangs are fighting the government, then we can use them to buy us time from the government. Our task here primarily are to aim for more resources and get our hands on that Service Matrix thingy. And having squads to distract the military and authorities so we can invade the facilities and others." Darkwing replied.

Darkwis nodded. "R-right, do carry on my apology for interruptions."

"Yo-yo it's kay bro, chill out." Darkwing responded then continued. "Time to commence terrorism!"

Immediately with over 80 large vehicles stolen and 300 of standard type ones, the Darkened Regime began making their atrocious move on Zubets. As Darkcraft, Darkgame, Darkgamer, and rest of crafters constructed their own turngears, armors, vehicles, and even aircraft.

Just as they arrived to more urbanized areas of Zubets which is under serious intense lockdown by massive local police authorities and turngear sentries, Darkpurge's squads arrived parking the vehicle near the flammable substance. He set off the primary explosion after dumping 3 frag grenades inside the get away vehicle causing more explosions which immediately began the signal of terrorism as Darkpurge and his squads began open firing their weapons on the police authorities. While indefinite amount of 800,000 radicalized terrorists all jumped in blasting the turngears and the authorities.

Machine guns, shotguns, every weapons are used as the police are getting wiped out dramatically as some requested serious back-ups. Darkpurge sweeping them clean laughed evilly just as everyone else taunted the police and stirred up trouble. Blowing up every vehicles and robots they see, this caused indefinite amount of attention from the authorities sending every police and the authorization of Zahnrad military soldiers as they kept elevating the threat.

Darkhand's squads moved inside with Darkpurge's squads causing major distractions. They planted charges in multiple large buildings and set off devastating explosions. Explosions rained all over the building as the police and the arrived military soldiers doing their best getting the situation under control.

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