Chapter 6:Rap Goes Mamlakat

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Just as the Darkened Regime made their way to the southern Zubets, meantime over at Mamlakat at an anything goes area. Despite all the carnage and all the violence done back at Zubets, Malakat the citizens were completely unaware that all that have happened. Settling down in the anything goes area, several heavy politicians all argued over various points, follow by separation between the rich and the poor divisions. Leading on the wealthy side of the division in Mamlakat, lies Talia Farrah within her business bureau building on the 50th floor of the CEO complex tower. Three economic category that separated Mamlakat: the poor division, the middle division, and the wealthy division. The poor suffered lack of food as they received very poor welfare and governmental aids. The middle class area received fair amount of governmental aids and supports. The wealthy they can survive fine.

With no little security within the poor division, theft and murders happened frequently. As Zahnrad continued to undergo strife and suffering. Each time divisions all at once argued about proper treatment as sometimes there be protesters along with demonstrated rallies over controversial things.

Enter Benjamin Jackson or BJ within the poor division of Mamlakat. Suffering poverty and partial needs. Moving through the streets seeing large groups of poor people loitering around alley, dead ends, and sitting on sidewalks. Being told to head over to a building in the secluded area he made his way there. Upon arrival to the location after covering 10 meters, seeing the run-down ghetto like building. Heading up to the slightly tilted door, he knocked on the door. One guy opened the door seeing Benjamin Jackson and smiled...

"Yo-yo what up nigger?" He said.

"Nothin much yo, I am here you sent me man." Benjamin replied. He head in.

"Yeah bro we have a small group meeting in the middle room. Right this way bro."

They walked 5 meters straight, turned left 3 meters, the right 5 meters, and then they made it to the room. Meeting about ten more members with that guy and Benjamin Jackson. They greeted and waved, giving the bro fists...

"Now listen up niggers, we have major issues. The foolish government Talia doesn't care about us the poor side. We are livin' in ghetto yo, and we want to survive. We shall start with the poor divisions. They have mechanics, shops, some businesses, and shows..."

Benjamin cleared his throat loudly trying to seek attention.

"Huh, yes BJ you alright, nigger?" The guy asked.

Benjamin made his way over...

"Yes nigger I am absolutely okay, I would like to make a speech bro." Benjamin stated.

"Sure sure bro go ahead man. Take the stage." He moved back.

"Ahem alright yo niggers, it's time that shall rise up and began a motherfuckin' movement. We will take actions against that bitch Talia Farrah and her wealthy side division. Like you said bro we shall capture several shops, stores, and such. I even wanted to capture a show. But anyways we shall began giving us nicknames all 12 of us total. For example I shall be nicked as Blackwing. Blackwing is my name, suitin' to my black skin color. Now for you guys.

Blackwig, Blackgold, Blackraid, Blackrock, Blackk, Blackstreet, Blackpop, Blackfree, Blackheat, Blackdred, and Blackwis.

Those are your clubby nicknames niggers, now we need to wait till nighttime so we can rob one of the unsecured gun store in the west." Blackwing said.

"Didn't you send those letters to Zubets, in hope to seek some help?" Blackgold asked.

"Ya bro I did nigger, wasted all of my money on gettin' the letters. So much efforts I am so damn pooped." Blackwing said.

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