Chapter 18:Revival of Umbrella Corp.

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Next morning after a respite later, Deathwing relaxing in the developed office within the Zhengqi parliament political building of Joki Island. He spent three hours relaxing with his feet on the desk slacking off. Deathnurse came in with a large size food tray full of fresh corpses of varying species...

"Hey, sweetie how is your first official day working behind the desk as an official chairman of the world? Tee hee." Deathnurse asked, smiling.

She placed the bloody tray down close to Deathwing as he put his feet back down to the floor and cracked his knuckles before enjoying his meal.

"It's been very comfortable without all the annoying survivors. Ahhhh yesssssssss, very relaxing with the comfy rolling chair. Ooh spinning too wheeeeee." Deathwing replied.

Deathnurse giggled as she smiled.

"Babe babe, why don't you pull up a seat and let's enjoy our breakfast together. Mmmmm fresh human brains, intestines, liver, ooh beating hearts. Wow, babe, I am pleased you made such finest gourmet cooking. I love it." 

Deathnurse nodded with a gleeful smile as she pulled up a seat and joined with her lover as they both enjoyed their meal. Sucking on the head of a dreaded human being, eating the arms of the baihus, tentacles of the touzuleis, and crunching on feichongs.

Over to the vast lands of Zhengqi...

"It's so good to be dead, right?" Deathh said.

"Mhm yes indeed, Deathh. I am pleased to be reborn alive like a newly reincarnated entity." Deathy said.

"Oh man, I love this new world!" Deathplay said.

"Hey let's go, I heard there's a large feast going on in that one large building. All you can eat corpses and blood to drink!" Deathclock said.

"Mmmmm food! I love human brains, skinned baihu's stomach, feichong intestines, and touzulei's tentacles. So good!" Deathcannibal said.

"Don't forget the qinglong's bodies very loaded with nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidant.  Jah jah it's worth trying the qinglongs." Deathgalt said.

"Hey they got tasty zhuques, I heard it taste like chickens plus iguana. Very good with spices added and some herbs." Deathwok said.

"I agreed the zhuques are good, but I like them deep-fried crispy with salt and pepper. Mmmm already making me hungry." Deathflow said.

"Wait what about the tishlis?" Deathgrim asked, curiously.

"The tishlis, oh those pointy-ear elves. We don't eat them as we heard from Zahnrad they are not officially human bred. They are cloned from organic materials from the fossils left from the Tianshi many ages ago. They aren't actual living beings by legitimate genetics. But however, they are considered the Doctor's servants." Deathcon said.

"Doctor's servants?" Deathgrim responded.

"Mhm yes, Doctor Deathwing's servants. He has just broadcasted his early addressed about not having the tishlis be killed or worse. He simply wanted the tishlis to become an a part of us in this form of appearances. Zombie tishlis with pale skin texture and color that retained all of their humanity. With other exceptions for only Deathwing is to experiment on them." Deathcon said.

Deathgrim nodded with a smile.

"Hey let's continue the chatterbox inside the restaurant. We can feast upon all the deadly souls inside and get our bodies coated in red while talking. What are we waiting for?!" Deathmajor asked.

"Uhhm okay okay, we definitely should get moving. I am getting fleshy hungry for gore and red juices." Deathcon said.

Meantime back at Joki Island, inside the parliament political building in the office...

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