Chapter 10:Black Friday!

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Continuing with the downhill sliding with the carnage, looting-stealing valuables from wealthy buildings, and setting every acres of land on flames, Darkwing and Blackwing alongside their reign of forces have reached 350 meters nearing Talia's private property area...

"We are almost there! Keep movin' let's go go go!" Blackwing rallied.

"I want everyone dead! Leave no one alive, no effin' mercy! NO EFFIN' MERCY!" Darkwing said.

Swiftly the large remaining of the Cog Jammers, Qar's Calling, Nacht Down, and Embers of Liberty allies rushed into the area already have dealt with the rest of Zahnrad's military forces. Deciding to block Talia Farrah's private property from Darkwing and Blackwing's advancement to the metal fence...

"It's them! Those barbaric morons that have perished our beloved men, women, and children of our fallen ones! Prevent them from achieving mass destructions!" One of the Cog Jammer leaders said, pointing to the enraging terrorists.

"Siding with Zahnrad's ruling body we have no other choice as these savages are going to rule the whole state by sheer force." One of Qar's Calling leader said.

They pulled out their first shot firing their weapons on the impeding savages...

"What-what the hell? These annoying rebels again?!" Darkwing angered.

"Where they fuckin' comin' from yo, they are so irritatin' me." Blackwing responded with frown.

"Everyone fire! Waste those ants! No mercy!" Darkwing commanded his forces.

They sustained no injuries due to advanced armors as they retaliated back, effectively killing all of the allies in the way. Darkwing launched 7 heavy aggressive pressure waves, blasting the group of tishli fighters away and half of Cogs, Nacht, and Embers away. Wasting them like nobody's businesses.

They easily eradicated them all, Darkgamer and Darkgame behind the mecha titan they blasted using heavy photon cannons taking out groups of Cog Jammer reinforcements from far left and right. They took out 3 standard airships using mounted anti-air cannons.

With nothing in standing in their way only the metal fence and the savages...

" Okay I request that you all brathas and sistas to stay here and hold the city. Well at least guard this area." Blackwing announced to his people.

"Ahem yeah bros! We warriors gonna be ready for anything- just me, my friend, my girl, and his girl all four of us alone will be goin' beyond this line. So watch over and crush every of the inferior beings that stands in our path! No fuckin' mercy! Squash every ants! We will own Zahnrad as a whole!" Darkwing announced.

The crowds all cheered and praised both Darkwing and Blackwing's leaderships. Including the excited Darkencuddles and the roaring Darkenserpent.

Darkhit ordered the darkarmes to fan out and maintain surveillance through the razed wealthy cities. Darkhitter did the same thing with darksteppos. Darkhitler and Darkhitress both remained there with the large armies.

Darkwing with his armed axe ready and Blackwing having his dual plated mailing blades out they both demolished the whole metal fence with ease and with Darkmistress and Blackpsychotrest the four double-dating partners in crime advanced to Talia's private property.

They encountered large outnumbering of white mask cone-hats armed with equalizers blocking their way...

"This is where it ends here, terrorists! You will pay for the entire destruction of Zubets, Mamlakat, and overruling Zahnrad's government. You have ousted out the Chairwoman and claimed the power illegally, you will all regret this!" One of them said.

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