Chapter 36:Economical Crisis

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Lull passing by later, despite the Western Allies of Aerisgen not sending out more units to combat the Bullying Revolutionary Deficiency, they suffered large sum of econimic crisis.

In Laton the capital of Aeneam, the government officials struggled to msintain their budget to continue funding the military. Ever since before Darkwing rose into power during Malgorzata Sestra's reign of Zahnrad, Aeneam mainly do not have superior military powers to defend against threats of terror. Solemnly they are focused on entrepreneurial businesses and competitions. Developing new technologies of steam and engineering.

Until Darkwing rose and the rest of other terrorist leaders overthrew the leaders and took over their representing land,the continent of Aerisgen- Aeneam the most general wealthy nation on Aes to begin on their project to combat the East. That is when they developed into funding military operations.

The higher-end CEO folks aware of major counterfeit scandals occurring at a high-rate level caused by Blackwing's evil greedy ambition have plummeted the city's overall economy. From fraudulent to high-technology theft.

Major businesses and banks went out due to scarce resources as they were contributed toward military fundings. Many citizens of Aeneam suffered a huge depression due to loved ones being drafted to fight by force. Their homes being sold as the result of the econimical depression crisis.

There have been reoccurring riots over Laton, Denarius, and Buffalton. To which the police authorities ended with force arrests of many.

Handling diplomacy with trades of other nations became complicated. The touzulei of Aruyr Hegemony rejected Aeneam's kindful deals due acres of land being sold without reimbursements. Tanso lost a lot of their exports due to Zhengqi being overran by Deathwing's rule. Zhuknarod have to constantly spend billions of augs nearing both trade deficit and national debt. Trading materials and being borrowed by Aeneam officials which skyrocketed their nation dramtically. And Zupcanik the former land made of people loyal to Sestra's allied apart of the whole unified nation of Aerisgen- have supported the main branch with weapons and materials.

The officials of every kindreds pulled together willing to go treasure hunt explore for more sources of resources to improve their nations and to keep watch against suspicious activities prior back to the great counfeit scandal attacks led by Blackwing corrupted false printed money schemes. Over 60 more have been apprehended by the police or the MURENA agents.

News reported that the terrorists will continue to fight and may lead more attacks in the future, breaking down the allies. Dozens of heavy propagandas were made by Blackwing insulting Aeneam and depicting the majority of the high officials being slaughtered brutally.

In the meantime, the BRD remained in high defensive position. Their borders are guarded. Their intelligence stood strong. While their troops are doing the security, the elites are partying wildly.

Throughout the day to nighttime, the Aerisgen officials came together and proposed another military deal that spent 850,000 trillions of augs and all every fortunes to comprise a plan to annihilate the BRD and avenge the rest of fallen civilization for Zhengqi and Ayaziwa.

Tanso, Aruyr, Zhuknarod, and Zupcanik with Aeneam all discovered a large piece of unclaimed land full of enrich materials to the southeast near Ayaziwa. Immediately they began to deploy airships and armored clads to that land...

To be continued...

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