Chapter 24:The Hunger Games

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During the half-time while the war continued. Darkwing began his statement at the maximum security prison to the captured prisoners...

"Attention you lowly scum allies from the West! You dirty rotten retarded infidels have committed such atrocities! Punishing us by sending a bunch of trash-ass soldiers to wipe us off of Aes. Well you foolish allies, you are all terrorists! Today you all will be sentenced to die in the arena once it finished changing the whole layout. You picked the wrong side to fuck with, infidels!" Darkwing said.

The prisoners felt hopeless as they lost everything on the inside. Several prisoners attempted to cause a huge riot or rebellion but failed.

Out on the fields just about 25 meters from the arena, Blackwing began to give his review of every of the death match that occurred...

"Greetings, Bling-Bling Blackwing pimpin' the land over here in Zahnrad, yo ass motherfuckers! Today we are on live by the trinklets and various means on the international fuckin' community. I am here to give you guys double effin' middle fingers up yo steamy assholes, BUHAHAHA! Anyway straight outta Zahnrad, Zubets away from the arena- Bling-Bling Blackwing here gonna be telling you how the arena went out. It was awesome! I love seeing white humans other lousy white beings killed each other out! Love it! Fuck those white hoochies! They have no life! I love the battle between human beings, how they fight without mercy. Then the baihus, Whooo were man those puppy dogs, pussy cats are so damn noisy! They bark and meow too much! Punching each other, what the hell?! Feichongs, they are fuckin' ugly ass! A bunch of fat ugly weak smelly crickets! Large crickets I tell ya, damn annoying!!! I am glad they are toasted for dead! The qinglongs are weak and annoying! Totally foolish! Their forms are fuckin' ugly! The touzuleis are worse, their tentacles are disgusting! They can't even fight and they are cheaters! The tishlis whoooo hoooo hoo! They are hot mama's sexy! Gorgeous body, so sexy to the touch! Man, the tishlis are made to have sex for! Yeahhhh, buddy! Then lastly the zhuques are made only to be fried and turn to crispy zhuque wings! Mmm mmmm! Delicious, for the white fools! The carnage and the gory bloody deaths of the weak retarded asshole Allies. I am glad Lord Darkwing hosted the major bloodsporting event for us. Teaching the allies on the West to fuck off! That is all to say, yo homies!"

Over to the west side near the coliseum, several of the prisoners were all lined up. Wearing more of a leather prisoner attire with various numbers embedded in their clothes. Surrounded by the Darkzi Darkened soldiers around them. Follow by Darkwing with Darkhitler, Darkhitress, Darkhit, and Darkhitter- the Caust family as they walked through the lined up prisoners. The Darkzis all saluted as Darkwing made his way to the tall stage to the podium...

"Hello, prisoners! Welcome to the next event! You all are foolish, pathetic little nuisance worms! Weak morons! Today you all are volunteered by force whether you like it or not. You are all tributes! To the next game within the arena. Today is the day that Zahnrad shall celebrate the annual event known as the Hunger Games.

Yes, over 50 participants will be dumped into the arena. You will all be starving slowly to your death! There will be food at the center within 800 meters, you fools all have to match your weak hungry asses to it. The gourmet food not gonna move on its own, BUHAHAHA! So you all gonna have to either team up or face each other!

Another thing! I will also add in 5 identified heroic allies that will be chosen as the golden tribute. Since they are well-recognized from Aeneam, Aerisgen they will be well-known on the annual Zahnrad's Hunger Games! You know what, I am going to make this more drastic, instead of 50 participants I'll dump you fools of 500 faceless weaklings in the arena. Plus the 5 golden tributes! That should spice things up!

Let the Hunger Games begin! And the last thing to say, may the odds be ever in your favor!" Darkwing announced.

"All tributes, begin to march to the coliseum! Now! Commence the Hunger Games!" Chancellor-Chief Darkhitler said.

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