Chapter 19:Left 4 Dead

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Throughout the night, while everyone else is asleep, Deathwing along with Deathweskers, Deathnurse, and Deathumbrella all continued to research on the Progenitor virus. Later, Deathwing, especially him, began testing out various samples of the amped up T-virus by injecting large amount to over 50 of the zombie patients. They roared out as they began to further undergo much of a strengthen transformation. Enhancing their muscular toned reinforced body, teeth upgraded strong enough to chew down various iron metal solids, and eyes able to glow either day gray or purple for intimidation and enhanced visual perception. On other hands, Deathwing administered the upgraded strands of the G-virus to 50 of the zombie patients. They began to develop hardened dragon-like scales that grow in place of their muscular flesh body. Along with sharper teeth and enhanced immune system and nervous system.

Deathwing, Deathweskers, Deathnurse, and Deathumbrella altogether successfully developed the new type of improved virus known as the Dominant-virus or the D-virus. A rare unique virus that happened to grant low-minded dumbfounded zombies to humanity capabilities. They all ordered every of the zombies to lined up as they are administered the sample. Over 850,000 to 150,000,000 of the zombies were injected. They suddenly began to develop humanity capabilities. Such as able to communicate, have very good awareness, and high knowledge...

"What the? I am alive?" One of the zombies spoke out.

"Whoa, I am back!" The second zombies said.

"I can't believe that I was dead the whole time." The third zombies said.

The zombies murmured to each other as Deathwing observed...

"Excellent it seems this type of virus grants humanity capabilities. The D-virus testing is a complete success." Deathwing said.

"It would allow zombies to be more humane than animalistic with the D-virus administered," Deathumbrella said.

"Then let's have all the other zombies take their medicines," Deathwing said. 

Deathumbrella nodded.

Deathwing and Deathumbrella continued to inject more of the D-virus into more of the zombie patients as Deathweskers and Deathnurse both continue making more of the D-virus. 

Respite later, morning. Over to northern side of the outskirts, the four survivors: Lao the male human, Sheng-li the male baihu, Meiwen the female human, and Luu-beng the male feichong all head out of the safehouse armed with equalizers and melees...

"Okay, we have to make our way to the extraction point far south side of this land. There is a ship there that will take us out of here." Lao said.

"Alright, we should all be ready," Sheng-li said.

"Let's get moving," Meiwen said.

They all exited out a large abandon building and began to kill every of the zombies at will. Making their way south through the morning streets full of hordes. The zombies all roared as they charge upon the four survivors, but are killed. They reloaded numerous times with their equalizers, switching to bladed melee weapons to hack zombies...

"This is going to be one heck of a gutty bloodbath." Lao said.

"Molotovs over here!" Meiwen said.

"Come get your molotovs." Luu-beng said. 

They all grabbed their molotovs and hurled them at the hordes, igniting them on fire as they screech in agony while being burned to a crisp. The four survivors kept moving through the streets, using their equalizers and melee to cut through the zombies. Lao tossed a found pipe grenade at the hordes coming from the east side of the intersection...

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