Chapter 5:Sudden Invitation

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Throughout the late night as the Darkened Regime faction terrorist gang party members kept the party going long and hard throughout the dystopian darkest brutal age of the horrified-terrified lands of Zahnrad. Partying with the drinking of booze, smoking of cigarettes, cigars, and weeds. In-dosing excessively on drugs like narcotics, heroine, and meth. They exchanged words ongoing boasting about how they slaughter their enemies. And how pathetically weak they are. How coward the rebel scums behavior like startled chickens and crybaby-toddlers.

Darkwing with Darkhitler both smiled intentionally as they watched the gangs danced and partied hard like nobody's business. They smoked more, drank up more, and continued to eat for their ultimate pleasuring rewards.

After Darkwing and Darkhitler altogether feeling exhausted for the latest darkened night, they began to call it quits as the entire gangs rested up. Sleeping in improved developed mansion-sized house complex and mega apartments within the darkened-demonic capital militarized area. Darkwing and Darkmistress both sleeping together along with Darkhitler and his wife as the sons of the Caust family kept watch over the household with hired darksoldiers to maintain 24/7 security around the area. While the darkened turngears continued to maintain surveillance. Along with organized darksteppos and darkarmes cycling around the block within the recently burnt razed and devastated cities.

Next morning respite later, Darkwing got up and showered just as Darkmistress joined him as they make out and soaked wet, bathing together washing each other's back before lathering with excessive soap. After shower later the terrorist regimes came together at the palace as Darkwing along with Darkhitler, Darkmistress, Darkhitress, and the 6 darkened commanding officers at the rooftop of the large palace on a constructed stationed platform stage as Darkwing readied at the demonic podium began to state his public cruel announcement...

"Today my attention gangs. We bros shall make a new better world! A world full loyal strong warriors, not the fuckin' weakling retards. As my man Darkhitler said, I owned fuckin' Zahnrad! Every of the living weak souls have perished away all of their smelly damn asses! BUHAHAHA!! Ahem but today is the new day that we mark our territory as ours! Those like the bitchy former Chairwoman Malgorzata any of her remaining soldiers still standin' will be dreadfully crushed by our superior hands of darkness! Remember this gangs, no mercy! For the Darkzis and the brotherhood of the amazing heroes we are! Zahnrad is within my grasp, but as altogether as one we are a family-no a gang a proud wanking gangsters! All those weak-hearted crybaby hoes deserved to be imprisoned in camps bowing to us in death as they know nothing of our hardwork and harsh sacrifices we made through this fuckin' hellhole! While the tishlis shall be spared but brainwashed as our loyal servants as we play with them at glee without fear, shame, policed by the MOTHERFUCKIN cops! Fuck them cops! I hate them and Sestra's ugly smelly goons! Today we move forward and expand! We shall developed a better iron fortress! We will conquer other worlds! Yeah yeah darkness rules!!!" Darkwing announced, rising his clenched fist up aggressively.

The crowds cheered wildly as they raised their clenched fist as well, roar-chanting out loudly...

"For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules! For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules! For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules! For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules! For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules! For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules! For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules! For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules! For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules! For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules! For Zahnrad, Lord Darkwing rules!!!!!"

"We love you, Master Darkwing!" Darkwitch yelled out.

"Yeah man you rock, dude!" Darkcrave said.

"For Zahnrad within us lies Lord Darkwing the magnificent!" Darklance said.

"I have a crush on Darkwing." Darktelracs said.

"Me too ooh!" Darkscarlet agreed.

"Long live Zahnrad under Lord Darkwing!" Darkk said.

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